Hearts My favourite friends!!! +A paragraph 4 each!!<3 Divider Divider Divider Divider ! Cat Luca!! Sparkles Words cannot put how much you truly mean to me. I genuiely feel such a strong platonic connection with you. You've become my best best BESTEST friend over the years we've known each other. You mean the world to me and even more. You're not my biological sibling but you're damn well my sibling. We met on a silly pixel pony game and you've grown to be the person I love the most!! /P!! We're gonna meet one day and battle it out!?!?! /HJ. But in all seriousness, you've helped me so much, more than I could ever repay. I owe you my life and I will always be here for you.<3 We may CAT FIGHT all the time but just know, it's out of love. I couldn't ask for anyone better in my life. I'm always gonna support you and love you no matter what and YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT IT!!! I'm gonna cherish our silly little friendship for life and I want you to know that. I appreciate everything you do and so much more. You've helped me through one of the darkest times of my life and stayed, for that, I'm grateful. Never forget that pooks.<33 Crown 4 the royalty.<3 /P Divider Divider Divider Heart Mischf Cat surprise It's so funny to me how we met and knowing how it ended up.<3 You've become such a special person to me and nothing is going to change that.<3 You're my favourite person to spend all my time with and honestly, you're just my favourite person in general.<3 Playing roblox with you honestly makes me so happy, more than you could ever know.<3 You're the most healthy relationship and I appreciate you so much. We met when I was in such a bad place mentally and you helped me so much. You're so caring and nice.<33 I swear to try my best to make you happy, just like you do to me.<3 Even though we're dating, I still have such a huge crush on you.<33 I wake up just wanting to text you and fall asleep inpatient to text you more. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.<33 I love you.<3 My Melody cause you're my favourite.<3 Divider Divider Divider Snake Lydie!! Dinosaur Lyds, we've had an adventure together and we've been through soso much. I'm always gonna have the most special place in my heart for our friendship and nothing or no one will change that!<33 We may have our dumb little moments but our happy silly ones make up for it.<3 Little late night vcs with Non Simps, Gartic Phone, Minecraft, Roblox, everything. I love our friendship and you'll always be my best friend. No one will ever and I mean ever replace you.<3 Our friendship is on top, I love you sososo much. Thank you for everything, you mean more to me than you could EVER know!!<33 Sunflower 4 my sunflower<3 /P Divider Divider Divider Divider Divider Divider Divider Divider Blue Heart Quinn/Quinnie/Quinny!!! JellyFish Quinn, we may not talk that much, but you're one of my favourite friends ever<3 I love a random dm from you and when you randomly join me and we speak!!<33 You're the person I can talk about hot whimpering men with....and I cherish that weirdly nice bond we have<3!! We met through Loathe and I'm soso glad we did, I'll never forget that night, it was the night I met one of my favourite people ever<33 I love you, Quinn!!<33 Wings 4 an angel<3 /P!! Wings 4 an angel<3 /P!! Divider Divider Divider Divider Divider Divider Divider E E/Ethan & O/Ollie!! O I had to put you two together for obvious reasons but you both will get your own little paragraphs<3!! E/Ethan, we met so long ago it makes me feel so old. You made me laugh and smile when I was with the worst of worst people. You helped me get through breakups or heartaches. Although the way we met was stupidly wild, I'm glad we met when we did. You'll always be like a younger brother to me and I'll always be your older sister/sibling. I'm always going to be here for you and I'm always going to support you.<3 We may get distant and not speak much but, I'm glad we stay in touch. You helped me more than you can imagine<3 I hope one day I can repay you, thank you for our stupid moments for I will cherish!!<3 Ur a gift!! /P! O/Ollie, we may not have met that long ago, but the way E/Ethan talks about you, you seem amazing, and knowing you proves my point!! You already helped me a lot<33 I'm glad E/Ethan has you, you both deserve the very best!! I hope life brings you both nothing but joy and happiness.<3 Ur a STAR! /P! Back home Divider Divider

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Pub: 20 Jul 2023 20:46 UTC
Edit: 10 Aug 2023 17:18 UTC
Views: 195