Hands-on Science in the Classroom

Ideas and activities for hands-on science in the third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade classroom
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Introduction to Microscopes
Looking for an introduction to microscopes? Check out these strategies for upper elementary (4th, 5th, or 6th grade) students.
Seriously Fun Science Activities and Experiments for Third, Fourth, Fifth Grade
Looking for some seriously fun science activities and experiments for your third, fourth, or fifth grade kids? Check out 80+ resources in this catalog!
Constructing Explanations – Sure Ways to Do It
When constructing explanations in science, kids must first make a claim. For example, when explaining paper footballs, they may say that greater kinetic energy causes greater speed.
How to Teach Math in Science – A Few Examples
When teaching math in science, ask kids to measure multiple properties. For example, they can measure circumference, volume, mass - and even the area that the rock sets on.
Stages of the Engineering Design Process -Teaching Fundamentals to Kids
Teaching stages of engineering design process in third, fourth, or fifth grade? Provide a clear but flexible sequence. Also, make sure your students understand related vocabulary terms. Read more about defining a problem, generating solutions, developing a prototype, and conducting a fair test at Enjoy-Teaching.com.
How to Teach Fair Test in Engineering Design
Teaching engineering design in third, fourth, or fifth grade? Provide clear steps and vocabulary for conducting a fair test. Read more at Enjoy Teaching.
Teaching Plants, Parts & Functions – Seed, Flower, Root, Stem, Leaf
Teaching plants and their parts in fourth grade? Thoroughly teach structures and functions in ten days! This schedule includes seeds, germination, and dispersal; flowers and pollination; roots, stems, and circulation; leaves and photosynthesis. It addresses NGSS 4-LS1-1 and many other state standards. Your kids will love the hands-on activities. You'll love the learning.
Roots and Stems – Ideas That Will Make Your Teaching Shine
When teaching plant parts, try this root. Kids roll up and tape three sheets of paper towel. They do nothing to the first roll, which illustrates a taproot. Then they cut the bottom of the second in strips to model fibrous roots. For the final paper towel, they cut off the bottom. This plant has no roots. Next, they "plant" each in a cup of rice or pebbles. They pour colored water into the cup to see how each absorbs. Then they give each a little push to see whether they stay standing
How to Explain Fair Test to Kids
To introduce the fair test, tell the tale of two tomato plants. Kids in third, fourth, and fifth grade science classrooms will quickly understand science practices like comparing, controlling variables, and replication. After all, when you're comparing apples to oranges, it just doesn't work. Read more at Enjoy Teaching.
Fantastic Ideas for Teaching Flowers – Pollination, Dissection & More!
When kids dissect flowers, they study the parts carefully. It helps them understand pollination on a higher level.
Amazing Ideas for Teaching About Seeds – Parts, Germination & Dispersal
Want to teach kids about seeds and germination? The best way is to grow them. All you need are baggies (with flaps, not zippers), paper towels, and water. When kids grow corn, they learn about monocots. With beans, they learn about dicots. For more ideas on teaching seeds structures and functions, including parts and dispersal, visit Enjoy-Teaching.com.
Teaching Convection with Simple, Hands-on Experiments
When teaching convection, try this simple experiment. Fourth grade students add colored cold water to a glass of hot water and watch it sink. Read more at Enjoy-Teaching.com.
How to Teach Conduction of Heat, or Thermal Energy
Wondering how to teach conduction of thermal energy? Begin with a metal spoon in a bowl. Ask kids to touch the handle of the spoon. Then pour hot water in the bowl. In a few minutes, they will feel that heat has been conducted from the hot water to the handle.
How to Manage Science Groups – It’s Easier Than You Think
Want kids to work together in science groups? Just learn how to manage space and people. When you organize and give specific directions, third, fourth, and fifth grade students in your classroom will collaborate effectively for any experiment, activity, project, or lab. Read more at Enjoy Teaching.
Teaching Scientific Method + How It Fits with New Practices
Teaching scientific method to fourth or fifth grade kids? First, set up a display with the steps. Second, prepare a simple experiment. To illustrate science practices, begin with a super simple evaporation activity that emphasizes the fair test. Read more at Enjoy Teaching.