Oak Ridge Manhattan Project

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The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Behind the Bomb
Oak Ridge, TN - Atomic Heritage Foundation Wiki Barracks at Oak Ridge
Image result for pictures of Oak Ridge building the secret city
The Secret City
This 1945 photograph shows the giant 44 acre K-25 plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where the uranium for the first atomic weapon was produced.
Interesting - Photostream of WWII Cemesto "Alphabet Houses" by type in Oak Ridge
Book about the labor and social history of Oak Ridge, TN called At Work In the Atomic City
Manhattan Project: Oak Ridge and Hanford Come Through, 1944-1945
Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, 1944
History Talk at Historic Freels Cabin – Freels Bend - Explore Oak Ridge
Aerial View of Oak Ridge's Y-12 Plant
The Women’s History Hidden in America’s Nuclear Past
(Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images) The Women's History Hidden in America's Nuclear Past: Calutron operators at their panels, in the Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge during World War II. 1944. The calutrons were used to refine uranium ore into fissile material. During the Manhattan Project effort to construct an atomic explosive, workers toiled in secrecy, with no idea to what end their labors were directed.