Tiger lily flowers

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Orange Tiger Lily Flowers with spots. Tiger Lily flower magnet for the refrigerator: http://www.zazzle.com/orange_tiger_lily_flower-160040971554298673
Liliaceae: Lilium lancifolium (syn. L. tigrinum) - Tiger Lily flowers
Tiger Lilies!!!
Tiger Lily Flower | Tiger Lilies!!! :: Beautiful Flower Pictures Blog
Lilium lancifolium 'Flore Pleno' (Double Tiger Lily)
A remarkable variety, Double Tiger Lily 'Flore Pleno' commands our attention with its bright and showy, orange-colored double flowers, counting up to 24-36 tepals, and covered with profuse purple-black spots, giving the appearance of the skin of the tiger. Native of China and Japan, these Tiger Lilies are robust and easy to grow. Amazingly decorative, they are quite prolific as mature bulbs can produce up to 25 blossoms per stem and will multiply to form clumps over the years.
Lily Fusion - 5
This highly unusual lily boasts rich red blooms with black speckles and vibrant yellow centers. This Lily combines the best of the Far East and the U.S. into one gorgeous, fragrant flower. Lily Fusion has strong stalks that can easily bear the weight of the blooms, which grow to 3' in the first year and up to 5' thereafter. It also attracts bees and butterflies and makes an excellent cut flower. Learn more about how to grow lily bulbs. • Plant in Spring for Summer Blooms• Easy to grow• 'Lily Fusion' is a species lily• Heavily freckled• Height: 40-48"• Lightly fragranced • Attracts bees and butterflies