Crystal wands

Chlorite Phantom/Included Quartz you choose - A
These necklaces are made from polished quartz which has heavy Chlorite inclusions/Phantoms. The green stone they are adorned with is Prehnite. From LEFT to RIGHT: A: Multiple Chlorite Phantoms throughout B: Multiple Chlorite Phantoms on lower half C: Two densely pigmented Chlorite Phantoms D: Multiple Chlorite Phantoms which are on an angle. The backside has a Key which is an indentation in the quartz where another crystal was forming. Choose which one. They are all about the same size and measu
Raw Crystal Wand Pendant, Copper Plated Real Wood Necklace, Twig Pendant, Rough Organic Rustic Texture, Witchcraft Electroformed Jewelry - Etsy
Crescent Moon Staff, Magic Cosplay Weapon, Wooden Wizard Stave, Witchcraft and Wizardry, Costume Accessories, Larp, Alder Wood - Etsy
Crescent Moon Staff, Magic Cosplay Weapon, Wooden Wizard Stave, Witchcraft and Wizardry, Costume Accessories, Larp, Alder Wood - Etsy