DNA and genealogy

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4 Sections
Casey | Irish Origenes: Use your DNA to rediscover your Irish origin
Casey | Irish Origenes: Use Family Tree DNA to Discover Your Genetic Origins | Clans of Ireland | Irish Surnames Map
Interesting Facts about DNA and Genes
1. People on the Solomon Islands have a gene named TYRP1 that causes blonde hair, despite their dark skin. This gene is unrelated to the one that causes blondeness in European peoples and evolved independently. #solomonisland #elizabethtaylor #gene #dna #chromosome #factrepublic #wtffact #knowledge #funfact #xmas #christmas #newyear #supergirl
Europe's family tree has a THIRD branch
Genetic link found between Modern Europeans and Native Americans | Daily Mail Online
Ancient invaders transformed Britain, but not its DNA
Ancient invaders transformed Britain, but not its DNA | New Scientist