Landscape Photos

In this board I have pinned pictures of landscape. Some of the pictures have a foreground, mid-ground and background. Other pictures are focusing on the horizontal line or have a special point of view.
13 Pins
This photo is taken from an eye angle someone has probably been standing on another mountain and looking on the foreground, mid ground and background in this photo. Switzerland landscape by Robin Halioua. #7
"Colorado Plains" Southeast Colorado~Wheat Field~Landscape~Agriculture~Farming
This photo focuses on the horizontal line. The photo also has a foreground (the wheat), the mid ground (the sun) and the background (the sky). #6
This photo has a really clear foreground (the water), mid ground (the pink trees) and background (the sky). #2
West Texas Railroad Tracks at Sunset
West Texas railroad tracks at sunset have been to Texas and the road stretches through a lot of nothing on the horizon. One point perspective. #12
purple | waiting for the canoes to appear in the far distanc…
#11 Foreground, Mid ground and Background.
This photo has been taken by using low angle Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. #9
This photo is taken from a low angle. The foreground is the orange leaves. The mid ground is the tree to the left and the background is the trees you can't see very well. #8
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This photo is taken in a low angle. You focus on the one tree and they other fade out in the background. #5
Vers le soleil by RV BO / 500px
This is a photo taken from a really high angle focusing on the hot air balloon flying over the beautiful landscape. #3
This landscape photo is captured from a high angle and has a foreground (the big rock) and mid ground (the trees) and a background (the mountains). #1