71 Pins
Franco Columbu 14 Day Workout Routine with PDF
Explore the popular Franco Columbu workout plan. He followed a consistent training routine lasting two weeks, each day focusing on different target areas and body parts.
Yu-Inspired Workout (The Boxer)
Yu workout, The Boxer fitness, boxing strength, mass gain, stamina training, speed training, core control, bodyweight workout, dumbbell workout, manhwa-inspired fitness.
Mash Burnedead Calisthenics Workout: Bodyweight Mashle!
Mash Burnedead Calisthenics Workout
Arnold Schwarzenegger Home Workout: Arnold Releases His Old Workout
Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout: Learn how Arnold Schwarzenegger trained and the workout and diet he shared for us to "Stay At Home"!
Moon Knight Workout: Train like Marvel's Boxer, CIA Agent and Merc!
Moon Knight Workout: Train like Marvel's Boxer, CIA Agent and Merc!
Frank Zane’s 21-Day Workout Schedule with PDF
I’ve shared the 21-day muscle growth workout split inspired by Frank Zane’s training split. It follows a three-week cycle workout that involves 12 training and nine rest days. It is based on pull-legs-pull split (PLP) – pull workouts on day one, leg workouts on day two, and push workouts on day three. Explore and download free PDF.
Super Saiyan X Batman Workout.
Get a body mix of Super Saiyan and Batman from this workout just in 1 month without any eqiupment!