Migraine Relief

17 Pins
Suffer from migraines? Surprising fitness tips that could soothe you
Suffer from migraines? Tip 2: Myofascial release for the Suboccipitals The Suboccipital muscles hold a lot of tension due to tightness in the neck resulting from bad posture. Soft tissue therapy can help reduce the tension and relaxing these muscles can reduce migraines and headaches as a result. Step 1: Lay down on supine (on your back) on a floor with your knees bent. Step 2: Use a tennis ball or a lacrosse ball for this release. #woodinville #wss #lacrosse
Need a Natural Remedy for Migraine Headaches? Best Home Remedies For Migraines
Natural remedies for headache and migraines - great article!
Fancy Faces: Improved Pain Chart? - October 30, 2010
"on a scale of 1 to 10, what is your pain level today?" The infamous pain chart.
10 Tips For Parents And Caregivers Of Young Migraine Sufferers
10 tips for parents of young migraine sufferers
10 signs your child might have migraines
10 Signs Your Child Might Have Migraines. Shared, with love, by A Former Child Who Had Migraines (& Still Does, At 42). If you think your child may have migraines, please seek diagnosis and treatment from a Pediatric Neurologist. (Ideally, one who has a special interest in pediatric headache.)
Urban Wired
Yoga for migraines is very effective as it focus on the prevention of the basic causes of migraines such as stress reduction.
Migraines are debilitating, painful headaches that can make light, sound and even touch unbearable for hours or days at a time. A diet change along with nutritional supplements may help relieve them. Some guidelines to food that you must include and those that you must eliminate. http://MigraEase.com #migraine #headache #natural
Migraine Remedies That Really Work
Headache Eliminating Diet
Migraine Buddy | Your Personal Migraine Tracking App
Foods that trigger migraines | Which of these are culprits for your migraines? #migrainediet #migrainetriggers
How to relieve a panic attack
How to relieve a panic attack diy anxiety remedies remedy panic life tips panic attacks
lifehackable: Stretches that improve different aspects of your... (Hey Fran Hey)
This has worked for me but I have to keep my back level to the floor. It's surprising the difference having your tush lifted can make so with this hack tweek it til it works for you
These Stretches Will Take Care of Your Sore Neck
Stretches to Relieve a Sore Neck Instantly: Whether you slept in a funky position or have been staring tensely at your computer for hours on end, a crick in the neck is not only annoying, it can cause headaches and upper back pain.
Exercises to Firm Up a Sagging Neck & Jawline
Yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain. I am going to do this ALL the time, especially while in school. :)