
18 Pins
aesthetic_world | Cute and Easy front page design for projects and assignments 🌷 #reels #reelsinstagram #reelkrofeelkro #viral #trending #foryou #explore | Instagram
This may contain: an open notebook with flowers and leaves on it
تزيين دفاتر 📚
#تزيين #drawing#art
This may contain: a notebook with flowers on it next to a potted plant and some paper clips
طريقة بسيطه لتنظيم الملاحظات
Barbara Haeger | Can you believe May is here?! This teal color is always May for me. . . . . . . #bujo #bulletjournal #bujobeauty #bulletdaily… | Instagram
This contains: Divisores de texto para tu bujo 🌸
Divisores de texto para tu bujo 🌸
Bujo inspo para organizarte durante esta alegre temporada 🌷🌸 #bujo #bujoideas #bujoinspiration #bulletjournaling #bulletjournalideas
This may contain: a notebook with some stickers on top of it and writing paper in the background
Separadores de texto o márgenes para tu cuadernos creativos