
46 Pins
Bullet Journal Setup: A step by step tutorial to setup your bujo for 2021 | Bullet journal work, Bul
Sep 12, 2021 - Learn a quick and easy bullet journal setup. This guide has step-by-step page ideas to help you learn how to set up a bullet journal today!
Learn To Doodle: Beginner's Guide To Bullet Journal Doodles | Masha Plans
We all want to make our planners pretty, and not just useful. A great way to do it is by adding cute doodles. Check this post where I explain how you can learn and improve your Bullet Journal doodles. Even if you never doodled before just follow my instructions and you'll be able to draw cute little doodles in no time. This post also has a "How To Doodle" video to help you out of your learning journey. #mashaplans #bulletjournal #tutorial #doodles #bujoideas