April Fools’ is the world’s greatest “get out of jail free” card for all those passive aggressive, sometimes cruel pranks you’ve been dying to play on your friends and coworkers during the entire year. Here are thirty-nine glorious ways you can prank your friends and make this the best, or most infuriating, April Fools’ day ever:
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The Alluring Scent Of Old, Dried Shrimp
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A Very Fizzy Drink Prank
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Cream Cheese Deodorant Prank
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How To Make Your Friends Cry
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Wake Up And Get To Work!
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The Epic Daily DiCaprio Prank
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Take a picture. Print it. Laminate it. Place it in a large jar. Put the jar in the fridge!
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April Fool's Prank Your Friends: Cotton Balls Everywhere
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Watch as your coworkers yell at the machine to no avail
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Do all four and your friend will be paranoid about everything that comes in a bottle forever
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Fountain & Dish Soap Prank
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When Twitter Pranks Backfire
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But now that he gave himself away, this one isn't as likely to fool anyone
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Haunted Hotel Prank
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No Sandwich Is Safe
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They'll probably only notice after they've eaten it
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Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Pending
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A Horror Movie Style Shower
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Qwerdy. A Classic.
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Everyone knows at least one person who obsessively keeps their car spotless. This prank is perfect for that person.
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Is It An iPhone Or Lunch?
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Pranked With Salmonella
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The 'None Of These Doors Work' Office Prank
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Some people pay to have this done to their cars
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Prank Your Friends On April Fool's: Subtle But Infuriating
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Prank Your Friends With Fake Poop
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Change the shortcuts in your friend's phone
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Prank Your Friends On April Fool's: A Salty Drink
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You can probably do better by using a colored piece of paper
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The Ol' "Tin Foil On Literally Everything You Own" Prank
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How To Prank Your Kids
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Mmmm, delicious caramel onions.
We would also like to bring your attention to what might be the greatest -- and meanest -- prank ever to be done to a mother:
Love these hilarious April Fools' pranks? Be sure to check out our other posts on the most hilarious prank GIFs and best pranks in GIFs!