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Air Sculpture

Air Sculpture

Air Sculpture transforms ordinary matter into extraordinary matter
New York artist created an art form that is experiential, interactive and constantly changing
Air Sculpture provides WOW Factor entertainment with beautiful variations of glitter, feathers and confetti
This contemporary art's previous clients include Louis Vuitton, Mercedes Benz and Samsung
Based in New York and available to perform at events worldwide

Air Sculpture VIDEOS

Air Sculpture PHOTOS

On its most basic level, our New York artist created Air Sculpture as an attempt to transform ordinary matter into something extraordinary, to bridge the conceptual realm to the material world. Perfect for corporate entertainment or any event where the WOW factor is desired, our contemporary art sculpture has the ability to create lasting memories through its enriching appearance, making every event feel special. 

Our artist's point of entry into creating art has been through using materials in ways that distill and re-present various aspects of their inherent physical properties, revealing an unexpected beauty in a previously un-seen way. Our Air Sculpture can dazzle audiences through the use of stunning fabrics that look as if they are dancing in mid air, as well as glitter, feathers and confetti to add that extra bit of sparkle and glamour to your event. 

Interested in creating art that is experiential, interactive and constantly changing, Air Sculpture may bring about a state of reverie or trance in the viewer, much like watching a fire. This wonderful feeling that the Air Sculpture gives its audiences has been experienced by high end clients such as Louis Vuitton, Mercedes Benz and Samsung.

Top Tip:

Our artist also offers a sleek and simplistic version of the air sculpture that hides the fans creating a stunning and minimalistic effect which can be seen in the fourth video above.

Scarlett Entertainment's atmospheric sculpture can create magic at any event making it a beautiful spectacle to behold that will WOW audiences and leave them talking about how stunning the event was even after it has happened. Not only this but our Air Sculpture can add a real WOW factor moment at the end of any performance or show, giving every act that show stopping feeling. 

To book this show stopping Air Sculpture or for more information, contact our Entertainment Specialists or to view more work from our contemporary artist visit his Air and Sine Wave Sculpture, Air Sculpture with Dancer, Car Reveal and Snow Vortex pages. 

  • Lexus
  • And Many More
  • Oglivy and Mather
  • Cisco Systems
  • Louis Vuitton
  • Natura
  • Cirque Du Soleil
  • Samsung
  • Mercedes Benz
  • RTL Television
  • Sudi

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