Sinoquet Christine
Sinoquet Christine
Associate Professor in Computer Science, Nantes University, France
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Cited by
A survey about methods dedicated to epistasis detection
C Niel, C Sinoquet, C Dina, G Rocheleau
Frontiers in genetics 6, 285, 2015
A survey on latent tree models and applications
R Mourad, C Sinoquet, NL Zhang, T Liu, P Leray
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 47, 157-203, 2013
Time series analysis and modeling to forecast: A survey
F Dama, C Sinoquet
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.00164, 2021
Probabilistic graphical models for genetics, genomics, and postgenomics
C Sinoquet
OUP Oxford, 2014
A hierarchical Bayesian network approach for linkage disequilibrium modeling and data-dimensionality reduction prior to genome-wide association studies
R Mourad, C Sinoquet, P Leray
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-20, 2011
Probabilistic graphical models for genetic association studies
R Mourad, C Sinoquet, P Leray
Briefings in bioinformatics 13 (1), 20-33, 2012
Temporal constraints of a gene regulatory network: Refining a qualitative simulation
J Ahmad, J Bourdon, D Eveillard, J Fromentin, O Roux, C Sinoquet
Biosystems 98 (3), 149-159, 2009
Learning hierarchical Bayesian networks for genome-wide association studies
R Mourad, C Sinoquet, P Leray
Proceedings of COMPSTAT'2010: 19th International Conference on Computational …, 2010
SMMB: a stochastic Markov blanket framework strategy for epistasis detection in GWAS
C Niel, C Sinoquet, C Dina, G Rocheleau
Bioinformatics 34 (16), 2773-2780, 2018
Extending the hardness of RNA secondary structure comparison
G Blin, G Fertin, I Rusu, C Sinoquet
International Symposium on Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and …, 2007
RNA sequences and the EDIT (NESTED, NESTED) problem
G Blin, G Fertin, I Rusu, C Sinoquet
Rapport de recherche RR-IRIN-03.07, IRIN, 2003
Large-scale computational and statistical analyses of high transcription potentialities in 32 prokaryotic genomes
C Sinoquet, S Demey, F Braun
Nucleic acids research 36 (10), 3332-3340, 2008
Maximal sub-triangulation in pre-processing phylogenetic data
A Berry, A Sigayret, C Sinoquet
Soft computing 10, 461-468, 2006
Maximal sub-triangulation as improving phylogenetic data
A Berry, A Sigayret, C Sinoquet
Proceedings of JIM 3, 2002
A method combining a random forest-based technique with the modeling of linkage disequilibrium through latent variables, to run multilocus genome-wide association studies
C Sinoquet
BMC bioinformatics 19, 1-24, 2018
Visualization of pairwise and multilocus linkage disequilibrium structure using latent forests
R Mourad, C Sinoquet, C Dina, P Leray
PloS one 6 (12), e27320, 2011
Alternative methods for H1 simulations in genome-wide association studies
V Perduca, C Sinoquet, R Mourad, G Nuel
Human Heredity 73 (2), 95-104, 2012
Partially Hidden Markov Chain Linear Autoregressive model: inference and forecasting
F Dama, C Sinoquet
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.12584, 2021
Time series analysis and modeling to forecast: A survey. arXiv 2021
F Dama, C Sinoquet
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.00164, 2021
Enhancement of a stochastic Markov-blanket framework with ant colony optimization, to uncover epistasis in genetic association studies.
C Sinoquet, C Niel
ESANN, 2018
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Articles 1–20