N. B. Venkateswarlu
N. B. Venkateswarlu
Professor in CSE at GVPCEW, Visakhapatnam, India.
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Cited by
A critical study of selected classification algorithms for liver disease diagnosis
BV Ramana, MSP Babu, NB Venkateswarlu
International Journal of Database Management Systems 3 (2), 101-114, 2011
Fast ISODATA clustering algorithms
NB Venkateswarlu, P Raju
Pattern recognition 25 (3), 335-342, 1992
A critical comparative study of liver patients from USA and INDIA: an exploratory analysis
BV Ramana, MSP Babu, NB Venkateswarlu
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 9 (3), 506, 2012
Liver classification using modified rotation forest
BV Ramana, MSP Babu, NB Venkateswarlu
International Journal of Engineering Research and Development 6 (1), 17-24, 2012
New segmentation techniques for document image analysis
NB Venkateswarlu, RD Boyle
Image and Vision Computing 13 (7), 573-583, 1995
A novel hybridization of expectation-maximization and K-means algorithms for better clustering performance
DR Kishor, NB Venkateswarlu
International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) 7 (2), 47-74, 2016
ILPD (Indian liver patient dataset)
B Ramana, N Venkateswarlu
UCI Machine Learning Repository, 2012
A critical performance study of memory mapping on multi-core processors: An experiment with k-means algorithm with large data mining data sets
SNT Rao, EV Prasad, NB Venkateswarlu
International Journal of Computer Applications 1 (9), 90-98, 2010
The photocatalytic degradation of amino and nitro substituted stilbenesulfonic acids by TiO2/UV and Fe2+/H2O2/UV under aqueous conditions
RN Rao, N Venkateswarlu
Dyes and Pigments 77 (3), 590-597, 2008
A novel trajectory clustering technique for selecting cluster heads in wireless sensor networks
H Munaga, JVR Murthy, NB Venkateswarlu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.0740, 2011
Hybridization of expectation-maximization and k-means algorithms for better clustering performance
DR Kishor, NB Venkateswarlu
Cybernetics and Information Technologies 16 (2), 16-34, 2016
Three stage ML classifier
NB Venkateswarlu, P Raju
Pattern Recognition 24 (11), 1113-1116, 1991
A critical evaluation of bayesian classifier for liver diagnosis using bagging and boosting methods
BV Ramana, MSP Babu, NB Venkateswarlu
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 3 (4), 3422-3426, 2011
LC‐PDA and LC‐ESI‐MS separation and determination of process‐related substances arising from stilbene‐type fluorescent whitening agents. Application to monitoring of their …
RN Rao, N Venkateswarlu, S Khalid, R Narsimha
Journal of separation science 28 (5), 443-452, 2005
Fast K-means clustering algorithms
MB Al-Daoud, NB Venkateswarlu, SA Roberts
University of Leeds, School of Computer Studies, 1995
A Fault Tolerant Trajectory Clustering (FTTC) for selecting cluster heads inWireless Sensor Networks
H Munaga, JVR Murthy, NB Venkateswarlu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.0747, 2011
A scalable k-means clustering algorithm on Multi-Core architecture
SNT Rao, EV Prasad, NB Venkateswarlu
2009 proceeding of international conference on methods and models in …, 2009
A Novel K-Means Based Jpeg Algorithm for Still Image Compression
C Ramesh, DNB Venkateswarlu, DJVR Murthy
International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology 3 (1), 339, 2012
Filter Augmented JPEG Algorithms: A Critical Performance Study for Improving Bandwidth
C Ramesh, NB Venkateswarlu, JVR Murthy
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 2012
A fast maximum likelihood classifier
NB Venkateswarlu, RP Singh
Remote Sensing 16 (2), 313-320, 1995
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Articles 1–20