Jason Eisner
Publication date
Advances in probabilistic and other parsing technologies
Springer Netherlands
This chapter introduces weighted bilexical grammars, a formalism in which individual lexical items, such as verbs and their arguments, can have idiosyncratic selectional influences on each other. Such ‘bilexicalism’ has been a theme of much current work in parsing. The new formalism can be used to describe bilexical approaches to both dependency and phrase-structure grammars, and a slight modification yields link grammars. Its scoring approach is compatible with a wide variety of probability models.
The obvious parsing algorithm for bilexical grammars (used by most previous authors) takes time O(n 5). A more efficient O(n 3) method is exhibited. The new algorithm has been implemented and used in a large parsing experiment Eisner, 1996b). We also give a useful extension to the case where the parser must undo a stochastic transduction that has altered the input.
Total citations
Scholar articles
J Eisner - Advances in probabilistic and other parsing …, 2000