[PDF][PDF] Tree automata techniques and applications
During the past few years, several of us have been asked many times about references on
finite tree automata. On one hand, this is the witness of the liveness of this field. On the other …
finite tree automata. On one hand, this is the witness of the liveness of this field. On the other …
Tree languages
F Gécseg, M Steinby - Handbook of Formal Languages: Volume 3 Beyond …, 1997 - Springer
The theory of tree automata and tree languages emerged in the middle of the 1960s quite
naturally from the view of finite automata as unary algebras advocated by JR Biichi and JB …
naturally from the view of finite automata as unary algebras advocated by JR Biichi and JB …
Reachability analysis over term rewriting systems
G Feuillade, T Genet, V Viet Triem Tong - Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2004 - Springer
This paper surveys some techniques and tools for achieving reachability analysis over term
rewriting systems. The core of those techniques is a generic tree automata completion …
rewriting systems. The core of those techniques is a generic tree automata completion …
Rewriting for cryptographic protocol verification
T Genet, F Klay - International Conference on Automated Deduction, 2000 - Springer
On a case study, we present a new approach for verifying cryptographic protocols, based on
rewriting and on tree automata techniques. Protocols are operationally described using …
rewriting and on tree automata techniques. Protocols are operationally described using …
Decidable approximations of sets of descendants and sets of normal forms
T Genet - International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and …, 1998 - Springer
We present here decidable approximations of sets of descendants and sets of normal forms
of Term Rewriting Systems, based on specific tree automata techniques. In the context of …
of Term Rewriting Systems, based on specific tree automata techniques. In the context of …
Regular tree languages and rewrite systems
R Gilleron, S Tison - Fundamenta informaticae, 1995 - content.iospress.com
We present a collection of results on regular tree languages and rewrite systems. Moreover
we prove the undecidability of the preservation of regularity by rewrite systems. More …
we prove the undecidability of the preservation of regularity by rewrite systems. More …
Right-linear finite path overlapping term rewriting systems effectively preserve recognizability
Right-linear finite path overlapping TRS are shown to effectively preserve recognizability.
The class of right-linear finite path overlapping TRS properly includes the class of linear …
The class of right-linear finite path overlapping TRS properly includes the class of linear …
Bottom-up tree pushdown automata: classification and connection with rewrite systems
JL Coquidé, M Dauchet, R Gilleron… - Theoretical Computer …, 1994 - Elsevier
We define different types of bottom-up tree pushdown automata and study their connections
with rewrite systems. Along this line of research we complete and generalize the results of …
with rewrite systems. Along this line of research we complete and generalize the results of …
Linear generalized semi-monadic rewrite systems effectively preserve recognizability
P Gyenizse, S Vágvölgyi - Theoretical Computer Science, 1998 - Elsevier
We introduce the notion of the generalized semi-monadic rewrite system, which is a
generalization of well-known rewrite systems: the ground rewrite system, the monadic …
generalization of well-known rewrite systems: the ground rewrite system, the monadic …
Rigid tree automata and applications
F Jacquemard, F Klay, C Vacher - Information and Computation, 2011 - Elsevier
We introduce the class of rigid tree automata (RTA), an extension of standard bottom-up
automata on ranked trees with distinguished states called rigid. Rigid states define a …
automata on ranked trees with distinguished states called rigid. Rigid states define a …