Solving large-scale symmetric travelling salesman problems to optimality

H Crowder, MW Padberg - Management Science, 1980 -
… Else in order to identify a subtour-elimination constraint which—-if possible-—chops of 1':
we apply the max-flow—min-cut algorithm proposed by Gomory and Hu [4] to calculate the max

Variants of travelling salesman problem: A survey

K Ilavarasi, KS Joseph - International conference on …, 2014 -
… the starting city with maximum possible distance travelled [8].The techniques utilized for the
Travelling Salesman Problem in which the nodes are divided into clusters and the salesman

The travelling salesman problem and related problems

B Gavish, SC Graves - 1978 -
… for the Travelling Salesman problem. Those formulations are later used for formulating other
transportation scheduling problems which are related to the Travelling Salesman problem. …

[PDF][PDF] A review on algorithms used to solve multiple travelling salesman problem

A Singh - International Research Journal of Engineering and …, 2016 -
The multiple Travelling Salesman Problem (mTSP) is the general form of TSP, in which one
or more than one salesmen can be used in the solution set. The Constraint in the …

[PDF][PDF] A survey on travelling salesman problem

S Goyal - Midwest instruction and computing symposium, 2010 -
… The paper relates the Travelling Salesman problem with the hamiltonian circuit problem in
maximum possible hamiltonian cycles for a directed graph and thus an asymmetric TSP and …

The travelling salesman problem with neighbourhoods: MINLP solution

I Gentilini, F Margot, K Shimada - Optimization Methods and …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
… This view planning problem can be modelled as a travelling salesman problem with …
Afterwards, we use the maximum flow separation algorithm described in Section 3.1 to find …

The selective travelling salesman problem

G Laporte, S Martello - Discrete applied mathematics, 1990 - Elsevier
… Given a weighted graph with profits associated with the vertices, the selective travelling
salesman problem (or orienteering problem) consists of selecting a simple circuit of maximal total …

Analysis and branch-and-cut algorithm for the time-dependent travelling salesman problem

JF Cordeau, G Ghiani, E Guerriero - Transportation science, 2014 -
… We have assumed that the maximum travel speeds increase from cluster C1 to cluster C3
as follows: 26 km/h, 36 km/h, and 50 km/h. The scheduling horizon is partitioned into three time …

Genetic algorithms for the travelling salesman problem: A review of representations and operators

P Larranaga, CMH Kuijpers, RH Murga, I Inza… - Artificial intelligence …, 1999 - Springer
… to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem with Genetic Algorithms. We present crossover
and mutation operators, developed to tackle the Travelling Salesman Problem with Genetic …

Minimization and maximization versions of the quadratic travelling salesman problem

A Oswin, A Fischer, F Fischer, JF Meier, U Pferschy… - Optimization, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
… It is known that the Symmetric Maximum Travelling Salesman Problem (MaxTSP) is Max- -…
will also consider the Maximum Angular-Metric Travelling Salesman Problem (MaxAngle TSP) …