Learning and evolution in neural networks

S Nolfi, D Parisi, JL Elman - Adaptive Behavior, 1994 - journals.sagepub.com
… This article describes simulations on populations of neural networks that both evolve at the
network's movement) are different tasks. In these conditions, learning influences evolution (…

Evolution of neural networks for classification and regression

M Rocha, P Cortez, J Neves - Neurocomputing, 2007 - Elsevier
Although Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are important data mining techniques, the search
for the optimal ANN is a challenging task: the ANN should learn the input–output mapping …

[BOEK][B] Efficient evolution of neural networks through complexification

KO Stanley - 2004 - search.proquest.com
… Artificial neural networks can potentially control autonomous … Neuroevolution, ie the artificial
evolution of neural networks, is … tasks may require complex networks with many connections, …

Representation and evolution of neural networks

M Mandischer - Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms …, 1993 - Springer
… Therefore we restrict ourselves to the evolution of backpropagation networks. The … evolution
process we compared the best evolved network for each task to a standard network with the …

Efficient evolution of neural network topologies

KO Stanley, R Miikkulainen - Proceedings of the 2002 …, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Neuroevolution, ie evolving artificial neural networks with … advantage from evolving neural
network topologies along with … how it is possible for evolution to both optimize and complexify …

Unitary evolution recurrent neural networks

M Arjovsky, A Shah, Y Bengio - International conference on …, 2016 - proceedings.mlr.press
neural networks. With this in mind, in this work we choose to consider recurrent neural networks
… a unitary hidden to hidden matrix a unitary evolution RNN (uRNN). After experimenting …

Evolving artificial neural networks

X Yao - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1999 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Learning and evolution are two fundamental forms of adaptation. There has been a great
interest in combining learning and evolution with artificial neural networks (ANN’s) in recent …

A review of evolutionary artificial neural networks

X Yao - International journal of intelligent systems, 1993 - Wiley Online Library
… when we discuss the evolution of architectures and of learning rules later. We distinguish
among three kinds of evolution in EANNs in this article, ie, the evolution of connection weights,…

Hierarchical evolution of neural networks

DE Moriarty, R Miikkulainen - 1998 IEEE International …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… applications of neuro-evolution for robot control. Specifically, we are evolving neural networks
to control a robot arm using visual input. Most neural network applications to this problem …

Evolving deep neural networks

R Miikkulainen, J Liang, E Meyerson, A Rawal… - … age of neural networks …, 2024 - Elsevier
… optimizing deep learning architectures through evolution. By extending existing neuroevolution
… in available computing power, the evolution of deep networks is a promising approach to …