AI and the Future of Work in Africa White Paper

…, F Eleshin, LS Madeje, C Muraga, I Nganga… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2024 -
This white paper is the output of a multidisciplinary workshop in Nairobi (Nov 2023). Led by a
cross-organisational team including Microsoft Research, NEPAD, Lelapa AI, and University …


A Nganga - 2024 -
… Hygro meters IDA / 65980 Availability of safe blood an d … Aph eresis kits to be used with A
pheresis machine IDA / 65980 … [...] assor ted Hematology analyzers IDA / 65980 Availability of …

[PDF][PDF] à vérifier leurs noms sur les listes

MA Nganga -
… 1- OBJET: Le Gouvernement de la République du Congo a obtenu, auprès de l’Association
Internationale de Développement (IDA), un crédit de cofinancement dans le cadre du Projet …

Involvement of N‐glycans in binding of Photorhabdus luminescens Tc toxin

PN Ng'ang'a, L Siukstaite, AE Lang… - Cellular …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Photorhabdus luminescens Tc toxins are large tripartite ABC‐type toxin complexes, composed
of TcA, TcB and TcC proteins. Tc toxins are widespread and have shown a tropism for a …

Photorhabdus Luminescens Toxin complex (TCC) a recombinant injection nano-machine – delivery of recombinant Yersinia enterocolitica YopT

P Ng'ang'a, JK Ebner, M Plessner, K Aktories… - bioRxiv, 2019 -
Engineering delivery systems for proteins and peptides into mammalian cells is an ongoing
challenge for cell biological studies as well as for therapeutic approaches. Photorhabdus …

Welfare issues in broiler chickens: overview

…, A Akyol, Z Waithaka Ng'ang'a - World's Poultry …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Development of quality welfare assessment protocols is a necessary step towards achieving
high broiler welfare standards. Rapid growth rate and highly intensive commercial …

Photorhabdus luminescens Tc toxin is inhibited by the protease inhibitor MG132 and activated by protease cleavage resulting in increased binding to target cells

GS Ost, PN Ng'ang'a, AE Lang… - Cellular …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Photorhabdus luminescens Tc toxins consist of the cell‐binding component TcA, the linker
component TcB, and the enzyme component TcC. TccC3, a specific isoform of TcC, ADP‐…

Determinants of a Globally Competitive County Brand in Kenya: a Case Study of Machakos County

EW Ng'ang'a - 2015 -
First impression of the County Government and its good name matters as the world becomes
more inter connected more competitive and more globalized. However,studies indicate that …

[PDF][PDF] Extending land management approaches to coastal and oceans management: A framework for evaluating the tole of tenure information in Canadian marine …

S Ng'ang'a - 2023 -
Canada’s approach to coastal and oceans management consists of a complex, multilayered
system of laws, policies, organizations, and strategies. It is a fragmented approach to …

Consequences of field management and soil erosion on the sustainability of large scale coffee farming in Kiambu

PF Okoth, JK Ng'ang'a, PK Kimani - Advances in integrated soil fertility …, 2007 - Springer
Uncontrolled soil erosion and land degradation affect production systems and are a threat
to the sustainability of most agricultural systems. This paper introduces a new management …