JH Jhang-Li, JH Liou - Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2024 - jecr.org
A contest sponsor or crowdsourcing intermediary hosting an open innovation contest can
employ knowledgesharing activities such as panels, meetings, or even community forums to …

Knowledge sharing in communities of practice: A game theoretic analysis

YM Li, JH Jhang-Li - European Journal of Operational Research, 2010 - Elsevier
This research applies game theory to analyze the incentives of knowledge-sharing activities
in various types of communities of practice (COPs), characterized by individual profiles and …

Competition through exclusivity in digital content distribution

IR Chiang, JH JhangLi - Production and Operations …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Following decades‐long subscriber growth, cable TV is experiencing a perceptible decline
in viewership as a result of escalating fees, outdated content search, and rigid program …

An analysis of reward mechanism and knowledge sharing for crowdsourcing-based open innovation contest

JH Jhang-Li, IR Chiang - Kybernetes, 2025 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate both the impact of different reward types
and the adoption of knowledge-sharing practice on a crowdsourcing-based open innovation …

An analysis of operating strategy for a video live streaming platform: advertisement, advertorial, and donation

JH Jhang-Li, JH Liou - Information Technology and Management, 2024 - Springer
Video live streaming services have reached every corner of the world through the influence
of COVID-19. In this study, the business model of a video live streaming platform is examined …

Analysis of pricing strategies for community-based group buying: The impact of competition and waiting cost

YM Li, JH Jhang-Li, TK Hwang, PW Chen - Information Systems Frontiers, 2012 - Springer
Group buying is one of the major pricing mechanisms in which retailers can offer low group
rates due to a saving on transaction costs and its target consumers are those with lower …

Resource allocation and revenue optimization for cloud service providers

JH Jhang-Li, IR Chiang - Decision Support Systems, 2015 - Elsevier
Online storage and streaming services are surpassing physical media as the predominate
means of disseminating and sharing digital contents such as music, documents, photos, and …

Pricing Centralized and Decentralized Wireless Service: A Mechanism Design Approach

JH Jhang-Li - Workshop on E-Business, 2011 - Springer
This study concentrates on how to price wireless access service and compare the two different
operation models: centralized and decentralized service architecture. With the classical …

Analyzing game-streaming services in two-sided markets: Direct selling and cloud alliance models

JH Jhang-Li, JH Liou - Journal of Management and Science, 2023 - jmseleyon.com
This study analyzes the profit of a cloud console provider facing competition from a hardware
console provider in a two-sided market composed of game developers and consumers. …

Delivery consolidation and service competition among internet service providers

IR Chiang, JH Jhang-Li - Journal of Management Information …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The infrastructure of the Internet, by and large, is maintained by Internet service providers (ISPs)
that cater to regional customers and by Internet backbone providers (IBPs) that serve …