[HTML][HTML] Queries on Links and Hierarchies

B Smith - xml.coverpages.org
… Third, we present some specific query operations needed for a general query language.
No … , linked hierarchies. This section relates closely to DeRose's paper "Query Desiderata", …

Supporting multiple paths to objects in information hierarchies: Faceted classification, faceted search, and symbolic links

S Perugini - Information processing & management, 2010 - Elsevier
… the terms in the query to the available … links have their roots in hierarchical databases and
filesystems where they are used for multiclassification without duplication, symbolic links have …

[PDF][PDF] HyPursuit: A hierarchical network search engine that exploits content-link hypertext clustering

R Weiss, B Velez, MA Sheldon - Proceedings of the the seventh ACM …, 1996 - dl.acm.org
HyPursuit is a new hierarchical network search engine that clusters hypertext documents to
structure a given information space for browsing and search act ivities. Our content-link

Document hierarchies from text and links

Q Ho, J Eisenstein, EP Xing - … of the 21st international conference on …, 2012 - dl.acm.org
… Next, we consider a simpler text-only baseline, predicting links based on the term
similarity between the query and each possible target document; specifically, we use the TF-IDF …

Hierarchical Queries: Connect by

A Reprintsev, A Reprintsev - … SQL Revealed: Executing Business Logic in …, 2018 - Springer
… The connect by clause is used to query hierarchies if they … represent directed graphs, not
only hierarchy trees; in this case … Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article…

Browsing hierarchical data with multi-level dynamic queries and pruning

HP Kumar, C Plaisant, B Shneiderman - International journal of human …, 1997 - Elsevier
… of nodes that do not match the query. For example, if users … levels in the hierarchy, stepwise
refinement of the query can be … would then think of distinct classes of nodes (and even links). …

Generating Concept Hierarchies from User Queries

B Wall, N Richter, R Angryk - Data Mining: Foundations and Practice, 2008 - Springer
queries submitted to the system, extracts terms from the repository documents matching those
queries, … for each query, and the queries are clustered using a hierarchical agglomerative …

Interacting with web hierarchies

S Perugini, N Ramakrishnan - IT Professional, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… shortcuts, links whose target is a page deeper in the hierarchy; … together on the paths
through the hierarchy. Prior queries have no bearing on the expansion.The site adds terms to the …

[CITAAT][C] Queries on Links and Hierarchies.

SJ DeRose, CM Sperberg-McQueen, B Smith - QL, 1998

Multiple hierarchies

A Witt - … studies on information structure: ISIS; working …, 2005 - publishup.uni-potsdam.de
… The files can be regarded as an interrelated unit, with the text serving as the implicit link.
Two … can be used for queries for structural characteristics in one layer. Such queries can be …