Tree based differential evolution

CB Veenhuis - European Conference on Genetic Programming, 2009 - Springer
… In this paper a DE-based tree discovering algorithm called Tree based Differential Evolution
(TreeDE) is … In this paper a DE-based tree discovering algorithm called Tree based

Differential evolution in the decision tree learning algorithm

SA Mitrofanov, ES Semenkin - Сибирский аэрокосмический …, 2019 -
Differential evolution. In this paper the differential evolution method is used to optimize the
information criterion for the selected attribute. The differential evolution method is one of the …

Construction of near-optimal axis-parallel decision trees using a differential-evolution-based approach

R Rivera-Lopez, J Canul-Reich - IEEE Access, 2018 -
… In this paper, a differential-evolution-based approach implementing a global search strategy
… decision tree is introduced. In this approach, the internal nodes of a decision tree are …

Differential evolution using ancestor tree for service restoration in power distribution systems

RS Prado, RCP Silva, OM Neto, FG Guimaraes… - Applied Soft …, 2014 - Elsevier
… The ancestor tree is used to build a list of elementary movements that maps one solution in
differential evolution. The use of an ancestor tree is not only central to implement differential

A differential evolution algorithm with ternary search tree for solving the three-dimensional packing problem

Y Huang, L Lai, W Li, H Wang - Information Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
… a differential evolution algorithm with a ternary search tree model (TSTDE) to solve the 3D-CLP.
TSTDE utilizes the ternary tree … The improved differential evolution algorithm is used to …

Tree structure based differential evolution for optimization of trees and interactive evolutionary computation

R Funaki, H Takano, J Murata - … of the Society of Instrument and …, 2015 -
… if DE is extended for tree structure optimization problems. In TSDE, difference between two
trees is defined as the set of parts that appear only in one of the two trees, and based on this, …

Information entropy-based differential evolution with extremely randomized trees and LightGBM for protein structural class prediction

Y Zhang, S Gao, P Cai, Z Lei, Y Wang - Applied Soft Computing, 2023 - Elsevier
… years, many evolutionary algorithms have been successfully applied to feature selection
problem [58], [59]. In this paper, we improve the binary differential evolution (DE) based on the …

Tree-based differential evolution algorithm for QoS multicast routing

K Sun, ZQ Chen - The Journal of China Universities of Posts and …, 2011 - Elsevier
… In this paper, we have developed a differential evolution algorithm based on tree structure
scheme to solve the QoS multicast routing problem. By adopting connectivity matrix of edges …

A Differential-Evolution-based approach to extract univariate Decision Trees from black-box models using tabular data

R Rivera-López, HG Ceballos-Cancino - IEEE Access, 2024 -
… , we propose an evolutionary approach to induce univariate decision trees that accurately
… two differential evolution algorithm variants, focusing on building univariate decision trees to …

A hybrid differential evolution and tree search algorithm for the job shop scheduling problem

R Zhang, C Wu - Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
differential evolution algorithm for the job shop scheduling problem with the objective of
minimizing total weighted tardiness. Based … Then, a tree-based local optimizer is designed and …