Gebruikersprofielen voor Zibo Miao
Zibo MiaoThe Australian National University, The University of Melbourne, QUANTIC Inria Paris … Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor Geciteerd door 299 |
Quantum Metrology Enhanced by Leveraging Informative Noise with Error Correction
The primary challenge in advancing practical quantum technology is the presence of noise,
which can lead to decoherence and undermine the advantages of quantum systems. …
which can lead to decoherence and undermine the advantages of quantum systems. …
[HTML][HTML] Synthesis of robust memory modes for linear quantum systems with unknown inputs
In this paper, the synthesis of robust memory modes for linear quantum passive systems in
the presence of unknown inputs has been studied, aimed at facilitating secure storage and …
the presence of unknown inputs has been studied, aimed at facilitating secure storage and …
A generic and robust quantum agent inspired by deep meta-reinforcement learning
Deep reinforcement learning (deep RL) has enabled human- or superhuman- performances
in various applications. Recently, deep RL has also been adopted to improve the …
in various applications. Recently, deep RL has also been adopted to improve the …
Fully distributed consensus of multiple Euler–Lagrange systems under switching directed graphs using only position measurements
In this note, the distributed leaderless consensus problem of multiple Euler–Lagrange systems
under switching directed graphs using only position measurements is investigated. We …
under switching directed graphs using only position measurements is investigated. We …
Synthesis of Decoherence-Free Modes in Linear Quantum Passive Systems via Robust Pole Placement
Z Miao, Y Pan, Q Gao - 2024 IEEE International Conference on …, 2024 -
In this paper we extend our previous research on coherent observer-based pole placement
approach to study the synthesis of robust decoherence-free (DF) modes for linear quantum …
approach to study the synthesis of robust decoherence-free (DF) modes for linear quantum …
Quantum observer for linear quantum stochastic systems
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extension of the Luenberger observer design
approach to linear quantum stochastic systems to obtain coherent quantum observers. We …
approach to linear quantum stochastic systems to obtain coherent quantum observers. We …
Parallel Ising annealer via gradient-based Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Ising annealer is a promising quantum-inspired computing architecture for combinatorial
optimization problems. In this paper, we introduce an Ising annealer based on the Hamiltonian …
optimization problems. In this paper, we introduce an Ising annealer based on the Hamiltonian …
Discrete-time reservoir engineering with entangled bath and stabilising squeezed states
Z Miao, A Sarlette - Quantum Science and Technology, 2017 -
This theoretical proposal investigates how resonant interactions occurring when a harmonic
oscillator is fed with a stream of entangled qubits allow us to stabilise squeezed states of the …
oscillator is fed with a stream of entangled qubits allow us to stabilise squeezed states of the …
Heisenberg picture approach to the stability of quantum Markov systems
Quantum Markovian systems, modeled as unitary dilations in the quantum stochastic calculus
of Hudson and Parthasarathy, have become standard in current quantum technological …
of Hudson and Parthasarathy, have become standard in current quantum technological …
Is entanglement necessary in the reservoir input?
In this paper, we continue our investigation on controlling the state of a quantum harmonic
oscillator, by coupling it to a reservoir composed of a sequence of qubits. Specifically, we …
oscillator, by coupling it to a reservoir composed of a sequence of qubits. Specifically, we …