A unified fading model using infinitely divisible distributions

A Rajan, C Tepedelenlioglu, R Zeng - arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.04804, 2015 - arxiv.org
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.04804, 2015arxiv.org
This paper proposes to unify fading distributions by modeling the magnitude-squared of the
instantaneous channel gain as an infinitely divisible random variable. A random variable is
said to be infinitely divisible, if it can be written as a sum of $ n\geq 1$ independent and
identically distributed random variables, for each $ n $. Infinitely divisible random variables
have many interesting mathematical properties, which can be applied in the performance
analysis of wireless systems. It is shown that the proposed unification subsumes several …
This paper proposes to unify fading distributions by modeling the magnitude-squared of the instantaneous channel gain as an infinitely divisible random variable. A random variable is said to be infinitely divisible, if it can be written as a sum of independent and identically distributed random variables, for each . Infinitely divisible random variables have many interesting mathematical properties, which can be applied in the performance analysis of wireless systems. It is shown that the proposed unification subsumes several unifications of fading distributions previously proposed in the wireless communications literature. In fact, almost every distribution used to model multipath, shadowing and composite multipath/shadowing is shown to be included in the class of infinitely divisible random variables.