QCD factorization for hadronic quarkonium production at high $p_T$
Kyle Lee, Jian-Wei Qiu, George Sterman, Kazuhiro Watanabe
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 143 (2022) · published 14 July 2022
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysProc.8.143
- Submissions/Reports
Proceedings event
28th Annual Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Related Subjects
Heavy quarkonium production at high transverse momentum ($p_T$) in hadronic collisions is explored in the QCD factorization approach. We find that the leading power in the $1/p_T$ expansion is responsible for high $p_T$ regime, while the next-to-leading power contribution is necessary for the low $p_T$ region. We present the first numerical analysis of the scale evolution of coupled twist-2 and twist-4 fragmentation functions (FFs) for heavy quarkonium production and demonstrate that the QCD factorization approach is capable of describing the $p_T$ spectrum of hadronic $J/\psi$ production at the LHC.
Cited by 6
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 2 Kyle Lee,
- 3 4 Jian-Wei Qiu,
- 5 George Sterman,
- 4 6 Kazuhiro Watanabe
- 1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [LBNL]
- 2 University of California, Berkeley [UCBL]
- 3 College of William & Mary [W&M]
- 4 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility [JLAB]
- 5 Stony Brook University [SUNY Stony Brook]
- 6 Université de Nantes / University of Nantes