1. |
i was waiting for a baggie
a powder bunny
i have a buddy i grew up with
he hooked it up for me
im helpin it my own way
when im stuck in bed
a little more than a memory
sticks in my head
i really like the game we played
you left the cd here
a lot of positive messages
and something left unclear
2. |
burns in the sun
lives for no one
salt on your tongue
lights out no fun
drink to forget
dont get upset
open your mouth
you look so
out of it
pull it together
we could love you
forever and ever
pull it together
we could love you
forever and ever
made up a game
no pain no gain
until you break
make no mistake
i will pull it together
you can love me
forever and ever
i will pull it together
you can love me
forever and ever
3. |
i get sick when i get stoned
everything we do
we do it alone
rosie is my favorite dog
takes her piss on the neighbors lawn
rosie is my favorite dog
bites my hand when i go wrong
i do
animals not people
i do animals
not people
i do
whos that walking down your stairs
double check
theres something there
rosie told me not to cry
look her in her big brown eyes
hold her tight and feel no pain
her dog breath drives me insane
i do
animals not people
i do animals
not people
i do
4. |
i do believe you're moving at a pace
a little bit too slow for my taste
its such a funny movie why not go
yeah dont you think you oughta know
are you a girl on a string
would you mind if i came back to you
we could listen to the music you're into
its such a crazy party why not go
yeah dont you think you oughta know
are you a girl on a string
5. |
dont get hung on petty things
string the sinner by his wings
in his head a brittle bone
the world is full of fishes
but i trust you
i trust you
stick your finger in the hole
a thousand watts but your not sold
make you hurt
we love you more
6. |
i dont love anyone but myself
and marty
cause he holds my money
i wanna be anything on tv
i wanna be famous
do you think they want me
ill clean up while your at work
matching socks and ironed shirts
sarah shows me how you want it
i took my favorite pill on monday
it made me go backwards
do you wanna feel good
i made a special drink for myself
and im gonna drink it
all by myself
7. |
my favorite animal is the whale
i like his big fat tail
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9. |
i think youre kute
ill keep you in the cellar
show you to the children
kill me after dinner
youre alright
you look like someone i could bury
in the garden
cover you in diamonds
when i die
and when i die
ill dig you up
ill tear out all your feathers
cook you in the oven
burn myself
what is mommy cookin
she looks like a baby
you love me
do you love me
you wanna die
you really wanna see us laughin
at your body
floating down the river
baby youre pathetic
you are god
you are god
10. |
i am so blue
how can i show you
an empty crib
a dirty gift
you make me sick
you make me like it
i am so blue
how can i show you
11. |
mary is the girl that i wanna kiss
shes got big red eyes and big red lips
shes got big sharp teeth and big fat hips
mary is the girl that i wanna fuck
shes got leather heart and leather gloves
shes the only girl that i wanna love
"listen to me baby i dont mind
i wanna be with you and waste my time"
"give it to me baby i feel good i wanna
feel whatever you think i should"
"sing it for me baby play my song
i wanna hear your daddy sing along"
mary is the girl that leaves you to rot she says
i am real and you are not
12. |
How are you today
i saw your friends band play
a little show last night
its not my thing they were alright
youre in my dream last week
id like to hear what you think
we passed a house driving fast
the sun was shining on the grass
you made me stop and leave the car
you pulled my sleeve but not too hard
remember when you took too much
i didnt mind being your crutch
we loved you then
its not the same
i dont like how things change
13. |
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