
23 Pins
Bhramari pranayama o la respiración de la abeja
La respiración de la abeja es muy sencilla de realizar. Debemos de sentarnos cómodamente, en posición de meditación. Con los pulgares tapamos nuestros oídos y posamos el resto de los dedos sobre la cara. Con la boca cerrada cantamos un Om y disfrutamos de las vibraciones que esto provoca en nuestra cabeza. Yoguineando, humor y yoga en español
Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana Pranayama) – Yoga Poses Guide by WorkoutLabs
11 types of Pranayamas
Pranayama is a Sanskrit word that refers to various breathing techniques in yoga. The word Pranayama in Sanskrit is made up of two essential parts- Prana and Ayama. The Prana word means vital energy while the word Ayama means to control, hence it is termed as Pranayama. It is the essential energy that actually manifests itself as one of the most self-energizing forces which embrace the body of a person. When this particular force enfolds in the body with entire control, it is termed Pranayama.
Beginner's Guide to Pranayama
Beginner's Guide to Pranayama - yoga retreats
Alternate Nostril Breathing - The Nine Purification Breaths: Instructions & Warnings
weird as it may seem to the beginner, this breath exercise is powerfully…