Die Valentino SpA ist ein 1960 von dem ital. Modedesi gner Valentino Garavani gegründetes Modeunterneh men, welches seit 2008 ohne den Firmengründer geführt wird. Die Marke Valentino ist Haute Couture Mode für Damen & Herren, Accessoires, Lederwaren, Uhren, Schmuck & Parfüms bekannt. Das Unternehmen ist Teil der 2005 gegründeten Valentino Fashion Group, die wiederum seit 2012 über die Beteiligungsgesellschaft Mayhoola for Investments der Herrscherfamilie von Katar gehört.
146 Pins
Sun Li x Valentino Garavani Stud Sign Bag
SunLi, jessicakahawaty, lenamahfouf, janice_man, kiwileehan, cecilia_pakchi_cheung and chanelayan, seen with the Valentino Garavani StudSign bag. A contemporary interpretation of house symbols, and a metallic macro stud chain. Discover the Maison’s latest accessory by visiting the link in bio. SunLi was photographed by erictsui1993
Tina Leung x Valentino Garavani Stud Sign Bag
On the go with the Valentino Garavani StudSign bag. beyonce, yoyokulala, hoskelsa, aureta, camilacoelho, yuyuzhangzou, tinaleung and nychaa were all photographed with the latest it-accessory from pppiccioli’s ValentinoActCollection.
Nuttanicha D. x Valentino Garavani Stud Sign Bag
On the go with the Valentino Garavani StudSign bag. beyonce, yoyokulala, hoskelsa, aureta, camilacoelho, yuyuzhangzou, tinaleung and nychaa were all photographed with the latest it-accessory from pppiccioli’s ValentinoActCollection.
Chanel x Valentino Garavani Stud Sign Bag
SunLi, jessicakahawaty, lenamahfouf, janice_man, kiwileehan, cecilia_pakchi_cheung and chanelayan, seen with the Valentino Garavani StudSign bag. A contemporary interpretation of house symbols, and a metallic macro stud chain. Discover the Maison’s latest accessory by visiting the link in bio. SunLi was photographed by erictsui1993
Zelia x Valentino Garavani Stud Sign Bag
elle_ferguson, gabunion, nickyhilton, zelia, tiffanyyoungofficial, ireneisgood and estheeerrrrr are seen with the Maison’s latest statement, the Valentino Garavani StudSign bag. Discover the latest clothing and accessories from pppiccioli’s ValentinoActCollection through the link in bio.
Irene Kim x Valentino Garavani Stud Sign Bag
elle_ferguson, gabunion, nickyhilton, zelia, tiffanyyoungofficial, ireneisgood and estheeerrrrr are seen with the Maison’s latest statement, the Valentino Garavani StudSign bag. Discover the latest clothing and accessories from pppiccioli’s ValentinoActCollection through the link in bio.
Valentino x Claire Laffut
For her BoilerRoomxValentino performance, clairelaffut is seen in a contrasting geometric black and white look from ValentinoActCollection​ Re-watch her entire performance, made in partnership with boilerroomtv, now on Youtube. Visual by mashabatsii
Valentino x Claire Laffut
An infinite waterscape, rendered in neon and starring clairelaffut For the latest in the BoilerRoomxValentino series, the Belgian musician comes center stage for a special performance. Visual by mashabatsii
die offizielle Seite der Maison Valentino
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