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S2E3. Two of my favorite "artistic" shots from this episode: Juliana with sunlight streaming into the interrogation room, and John looking at her through the glass, trying to figure out what kind of person he's dealing with. #HighCastle #ManInTheHighCastlepic.twitter.com/RlTKBSthbp
noir untitled by Nicolai Singer / 500px
noir untitled by Nicolai Singer on 500px
Netflix Gems Part 7: Neo-Noir
Setting up a larger interrogation scene with a gobo with bar shapes cut out of it. This idea would work with a light hazy/fog.
Lessons in Manliness From Hardboiled Detective Philip Marlowe
Lessons in Manliness From Hardboiled Detective Philip Marlowe | The Art of Manliness
Solitary (jughead jones)
Hola, mi nombre es Rosaline Black y he vivido en Riverdale toda mi vi… #fanfic # Fanfic # amreading # books # wattpad
Wattpad Resimleri 2 -İSTEK ALINMIYOR-
Wattpad Resimleri adlı görsel kitabının 2.'sidir. Kitaplar birbirinde… #rastgele # Rastgele # amreading # books # wattpad
Rick confronts the big boss
Film Noir shoot number 2 with the BTCR photo crew and our principal actor Caspar Braithwaite :) This time I wanted to explore the look of a downward shaft of light used so effectively in many noir movies, and in Ridley Scott's Bladerunner, which to me is "noir in colour". You need some haze. I don't have a specific haze machine, but if you leave regular fog to marinate for a while it evens out nicely. A pop-up reflector can speed up the fog mixing process. The light sh...
[Pics] Beautiful "Film Noir" Inspired Portraits
Noir Lighting by erikaelk [Pics] Beautiful Film Noir Inspired Portraits