
175 Pins
DIY Wax Melts: 12 Easy Recipes
These simple DIY wax melts will make your home smell amazing and they make great gifts too
Candle DIY: Wood Wick (2 pc)
2 Wood wicks with metal base for DIY candle making Wood wicks burn cleaner Have a natural smell Soothing sounds when burning 2 pieces included, can make 2 separate candles Height 9cm
Make sweet smelling beeswax candles with me 🐝! If you would like to make your own beeswax candles, check out my beautiful candle making kit on our website.
Homemade beeswax candles with @horm_scent When making beeswax candles using pure beeswax from trustworthy suppliers, you can enjoy the delightful scent of honey. #beeswax #beeswaxcandles #birthdaycandle #slimcandles #candlemaking #process #candlelover #candledesign #candledecor
How to Make a 100-Hour Candle
There are a lot of ideas out there about how to get something to burn for 100 hours or more. We’re going to cover some of them, but we'll start with the true definition of a candle, which is a wick contained in wax. The truth is, most conventional candles won’t burn for 100 hours. Their burn-life varies depending on a number of factors, particularly their size. But while size matters, there are other factors that allow a candle to burn long-term.
This may contain: a person is holding a paper towel and an electric iron
#diy #handmade #decor #decoration #candles #creative
#diy #handmade #decor #decoration #candles #creative
DIY Blütenkerze ganz einfach selber machen - Geschenk- und Deko-Idee
Du bist auf der Suche nach einer DIY Geschenkidee für Muttertag, als kleines Mitbringsel zur Hochzeit oder zum Geburtstag deiner Liebsten? Dann passt dieses Do-it-yourself perfekt zu dir! Denn Kerzen sind zu jeder Jahreszeit eine Freude. An dunklen Tagen spenden sie warmes Licht und in der Sommerzeit verbreiten sie eine blumige Frische. Es gibt sie in unzähligen Formen und Farben und lassen sich wunderbar mit verschiedensten Dekorationen kombinieren. Mehr auf
Homemade Crockpot Candles
Use your crockpot to make these DIY candles. These homemade candles in the slow cooker make fun DIY gifts too!