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Too much of a good thing, is a good thing. Once we recognize our Higher Power/God/Infinite Intelligence/the Universe as the Source from which all things come, we get a deeper understanding that the abundance we seek is available to us at all times. Abundance is always all around us and always flowing to us. All that is required in order to tap into abundance is to tune into the Divinity within, with appreciation for what we have now, and watch it expand. - Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
By approaching life with renewed enthusiasm, we take our recovery to another level. Enthusiasm allows us to really engage in our dreams and goals in order to move our lives in a positive and uplifting direction. We can tell by the way we feel, if we are enthusiastic about someone or something, and give ourselves permission to feel the full measure of that joy. - Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
When we harness the power of our minds and positive thinking, any perceived problem cannot hold power over us. We can choose to re-frame a “problem” as a “solution” waiting to be discovered. When we remember to place our energy and faith in our connection to our Higher Power, we know that the solution to all problems is easily accessible. - Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
Perspective in recovery allows us to see the larger picture. The fundamental belief that the universe is always conspiring for our good, that it is for us and never against us, is a building block to lasting recovery. When we see change and challenges as necessary for all of life to grow and evolve, our perspective allows us to partner with Infinite Intelligence as a co-creator. - Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
The Magdalen House | A Recovery Community for Alcoholism
If you don't work the steps, you'll be living in a van down by the river!
Courage in recovery means following your heart’s inner guidance and intuition that comes from the still small voice within. Turning away from our fears and not reacting to the louder voices that have become our well-worn defense mechanisms, allows us to experience the expression of God which is our essence. When we allow ourselves to show up in courage, we become a vehicle for our higher power to use us and we become the gift we wish to be in the world. -Rev. Carol