Roam Mobile Whiteboards

You shouldn’t have to stand still to collaborate… Roam, a mobile whiteboard, allows for on-the-go collaboration. You shouldn't have to be stationary during collaboration and brainstorming. Go ahead… Roam.
12 Pins
Roam mobile whiteboards by Ghent, Why Stand Still When You Can Roam?
Roam mobile whiteboards by Ghent, Why Stand Still When You Can Roam?
Roam mobile whiteboards by Ghent, shown in the compact nested position
Roam mobile whiteboards by Ghent, Why Stand Still When You Can Roam?
Roam mobile whiteboards by Ghent, Why Stand Still When You Can Roam?
Roam mobile whiteboards - optimized for use in standing or seated positions shown here
Roam mobile whiteboard - shown in use at a University
Roam mobile whiteboard by Ghent - Shown in use in a University classroom