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MS. TAE ♡ Trichologist in Training ♡ Healthy Hair Ambassador on Instagram: "My most VIRAL video of 2023 with 2.6M views! 🙌🏾 Scroll thru my page to see a video where I start in the front rather than the back! Save & Share!! 👉🏽👉🏽 AS REQUESTED! 👀 This pre-parting method should take about 20-30 mins max! If it's taking you longer than 30 mins, it's probably because you're attempting to "perfect" your parts during this step. This step is strictly a "rough draft". A road map for your final parts! Don't attempt to clean your parts too much during this step. Just part it out as quickly as possible! Your parts don't need to be super straight right now either. You can clean them up as you get to each row. This is why I don't braid each section to hold it together. For me, it takes more
All Things LoveLee on Instagram: "I do this to the ends when i am curling them. If yhey were going to be straight ends i would braids all the way down and there wouldn't be a need to tie it. there are many methods but this is how i do it. if I would have used a longer peice like I was supposed to there wouldn't be any fly aways around the knot. you can add extra security by then splitting the strand in 2 and tying or putting a tiny drop of nail glue on the knot, not necessarily but an option. hope this helps someone. . . . . #blackhair #blacknailtech #knotlessbraids #supportblackbusiness #allthingslovelee #atlantahair #rawhair #rawindianhair #Atlantahair #gwinnetthair #gwinnettbraids #knotlessbraids #butterflylocs #kidsbraids #kidshairstyles #naturalhair #stitchbraids #stitchbraidsatla
Tasha A daley-McKnight| Braider| Educator on Instagram: "Here How to do ropetwist on natural 4c hair to make it last 3 to 4 months. April books is now open.. #pslknotlessbraids #pslbraider #knotlessbraider #stuartbraider #pslknotlessbraids #lemonadebraids #braiderstyle #neatparts #boxbraids #okeechobeebraider #verobeachbraider #westpalmbeachbraiders #fortpiercebraider #orlandobraider #tampabraider #melbournebraider"
How to install crochet butterfly locs?