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Follow & Save * Delicate Art Deco Mandala
Intricate and delicate this mandala design merges Art Deco elements with traditional patterns for a unique and elegant tattoo concept. The white background enhances the beauty of the ornate details inviting the viewer to immerse themselves in the harmonious fusion of styles.
Little design concept I have available that is looking for someone to call home! Contact me or @markedforlifeuk to book in! #flowers #peony #peonytattoo #peonytattoodesign #ornamental #ornamentaltattoodesign #tattoo #tattoodesign #procreate #procreateart #procreatetattoodesign #fkirons #fkironsone #worldfamousink #killerinktattoosupplies #hornettattoosupplies #blackworktattoodesign #femininetattooideas #femininetattoodesign #diaphragmtattoo #tattooconcept #uktattoostudio #thornabytattoostudi...
来自 Katika 的照片和图片组合 | Shutterstock 投稿者
由 Katika 投稿的库存照片和图片组合 | Shutterstock