Mum Essentials

Pregnant or a new Mum? This board will help with breastfeeding, gifts, parenting hacks and ideas.
1,790 Pins
Am I Less of a Mother for Having a C Section?
Having a C Section - does it make you less of a Mother? I was shocked to hear people calling a C Section the easy was out and not a proper birth. Here are my thoughts on the matter.
Slow Down Time and Make Your Kids Grow Up a Little Slower
Parents often wish we could slow down time to make our kid's childhoods last a little longer and make our kids grow up a little slower. No one can actually pause time, but there is a trick to make it feel like you've done it. And it all starts with saying 'yes' to this one request.
How to Entertain Your 18 Month At Home
How to entertain your 18 month at home. Here are some top tips to keep your little one busy so you can get some jobs done!
Sex During Pregnancy. Yes or No?
Sex during pregnancy? Yes or no? Did you want to have sex when you were pregnant? Were you tired? Did your partner want sex?
10 Things I'd Forgotten About 2 Year Olds
What have I forgotten about 2 year olds? The terrible twos! I'd totally forgotten how hard work they can be and how hard they can be! Even by baby number 3...I was still shocked when my two year old appeared!!
When Your Child is Anxious Like You - 5 Ways to Help
How to help an anxious child. It can be hard and when you have a child who is anxious like you, it's horrible to see. However I have come up with 5 ways to help you anxious child.
5 Ways to Help an Anxious Child
Help an anxious child? How? This can be daunting but there are ways to help an anxious child cope with their worries and anxiety. Here are 5 tips of how I coped with my daughter when she was stressed.
5 Ways to be Creative with Paint Sticks
5 ways to be creative with Paint Sticks. We love mess-free fun with paint sticks and here are some ideas on how to use them!
How Do You KNOW Labour is Starting?
How do you Know Labour is starting? After 3 children I know the signs of labour. Here is what to look out for?
Bento Box and Lunchbox Ideas - 10 Easy Ideas for Kids
Bento and lunchbox ideas for kids. Here are 10 ideas for lunchbox ideas for kids - healthy and simple and good value.
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for 2021
Mother's Day 2021 Gift Ideas. From pampering to leggings. From spa days to fitness trackers. There are some lovely ideas for your Mum.
10 Things I've Learned About Parenting
10 funny and not-so-funny things I've learned about parenting in 5 1/2 years! Can you relate to any of these? :) #hannahandthetwiglets #parenting #funny #parentinglessons
Rainbow Valentine's Hearts Kid's Crafts
Rainbow Valentine's Hearts Kid's Crafts! Lovely tissue paper crafting for kids this Valentine's Day to make a lovely card gift for a family member.