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52 Pins
5 Tips for Choosing The Perfect Breast Implants, Part 4: Breast Implant Profile
Making careful consideration around breast implant shape is an equally important part of the breast augmentation algorithm. Dr. John Burns reviews details on round (circular implants) versus anatomic form-stable breast...
High profile vs Moderate Profile
High-profile and moderate-profile are terms used to describe different types of breast implants. These terms refer to the shape and projection of the implants and are important considerations for individuals seeking breast augmentation surgery. #medspa #wellness #bam #plasticsurgery #highprofile #moderateprofile #surgeons #bodygoals #goals
Chin shadow filler is a game changer for your lower face. Watch this video to find out why. PS: I ONLY RESPOND TO COMMENTS AND MESSAGES ON INSTAGRAM. FOLLOW me on Instagram @ms.glowtox and start making sense of injections.
The Chin Shadow
Chin shadow filler is a game changer for your lower face. Watch this video to find out why. PS: I ONLY RESPOND TO COMMENTS AND MESSAGES ON INSTAGRAM. FOLLOW me on Instagram @ms.glowtox and start making sense of injections.