Dwarf Sunflower Seeds. Dwarf sunflowers (Helianthus annuus hybrids) are similar to full-size sunflowers, although they may produce multiple flowers per stem, depending on the cultivar. They are annuals that die after they bloom. Their small size makes them well-suited to growing in small pots, and they can be grown indoors or outside. You can even grow sunflowers on a balcony.
Growing Dwarf Sunflowers
Indoor Sowing: Not Recommended.
Direct Sowing: Late Spring and Early Summer.
- Direct seed (recommended) — Sow Dwarf Sunflower Seeds after last frost in groups of 3-4 seeds, 1/2″ deep.
- Thin to one plant when true leaves appear.
- Transplant — Sow in final container, placing 1 seed per container, 3-4 weeks prior to planting out.
- Dislikes root disturbance. If transplanting to beds, wait for 3-4 true leaves to appear.
- Plant in full sun and light, well-drained soil of low to moderate fertility.
- Space plants so that leaves do not touch. Crowding promotes taller growth and weaker stems.
- Grow at 21-27°C during the day and 10-16°C at night.
- Warmer temperatures cause stretching; cooler temperatures cause plants to be more dwarf.
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