Dinosaurs have captured imaginations worldwide, especially since Jurassic Park brought these fascinating creatures to the big screens. But much of what we were shown, and much of what we know about these mysterious ancient lizards are either fiction or simply inaccurate. Science continues to discover new facts about dinosaurs, evolving the same way they did. Read on to learn more.
1. Tyrannosaurus Rex’s Arms Were Weak And Useless
They look like ridiculously useless appendages hanging from this big carnivores body. Those powerful legs and massive head struck fear everywhere but don’t be fooled. Those arms could move in excess of 430 pounds.
2. Brontosaurus Is Real
Long necks, long tails, and vegetarians. They never existed. Or did they? The skeleton they had was actually an Apatosaurus. The paleontologist put the wrong skull on a skeleton. Yet “Brontosaurus” stuck around thanks to pop culture. But thanks to further research, studies now show that Brontosaurus did exist, and can be distinguished from Apatosaurus.
3. Dinosaurs Were Cold Blooded
The belief that dinosaurs were cold blooded existed for a long time. Scientists thought they were like modern day lizards. But other scientists proposed that they were warm blooded as that gave them the muscular power needed to hunt.
4. Velociraptors Were Bigger Than Humans
Jurassic Park is to blame for this one. Those raptors were bigger than humans, able to run and leap while hunting. They could even open doors! Truth is they were no more the size of a big dog and looked like angry chickens.
5. Anything Prehistoric And Reptilian Was A Dinosaur
Dinosaurs were of a separate lineage in a group called Archosaurs. Pterosaurs and crocodiles are a part of the same group. The split happened around 245 million years ago. Long-necked plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and many others were not dinosaurs.
6. Dinosaurs Lived In Tropical Climates
Movies, museums, TV shows, and even cartoons depict dinosaurs in lush forests and wide open tropical settings. Yes, they did live in such climate, but the world was so different back then. It wouldn’t be too odd to see a T. Rex in the snow.
7. Dinosaurs Were All Giants
The fearsome Tyrannosaurus, the massive herbivores, and the horned Triceratops have captured our imaginations for decades. But smaller dinosaurs existed and could be as deadly as the bigger ones. They were still the stuff of nightmares.
8. Dinosaurs Dragged Their Tails
This doesn’t even make sense. Those tails were there for balance. Not to mention it helped them walk. Dragging them would have caused the dinosaurs to exert more energy. Jurassic Park got this one right.
9. Dinosaurs Failed To Evolve
Dinosaurs survived for 150 million years. Hominids only have 6 million years to brag about. And we humans have only been around for 200,000 years. We wouldn’t survive an asteroid of that magnitude either.
10. Green And Scaly
We were all guilty for thinking that dinosaurs looked the same as modern day lizards. Green, scaly, and cold. They were actually more brightly colored and some even had feathers.
11. Dinosaurs Are Extinct
There is evidence showing birds evolving from dinosaurs. The asteroid may have wiped them out but the line survived somehow. Chickens are more closely related to dinosaurs than lizards and snakes.
12. The First Reptiles To Rule The Earth
The first reptiles evolved from their amphibian ancestors. This was during the Carboniferous period around 300 million years ago. Dinosaurs were not the first though you can be forgiven for thinking that. The first dinosaurs appeared 230 million years ago.
13. Dinosaurs Terrorized Our Mammalian Ancestors
Those ancient mammals had dinosaurs for lunch and dinner too. Repenomamus is a 125-million-year-old mammal about the size of a raccoon and it had baby dinosaurs preserved in its gut. Even the giants ran scared at one point.
14. Dinosaurs Were Stupid
Most of the herbivores had really small brains. It’s not like they needed all that brain power. But carnivores had larger brains. They had to as hunting demanded more from their senses.
15. A Second Brain Near Their Butt
Paleontologists agree that dinosaurs had a slight expansion of the spinal cord in the vicinity of their limbs. The thought of a second brain stemmed from the belief that they had small brains so they needed another one at the end of their body.
16. An Asteroid Ended The Dinosaurs
That mile-wide meteor that crashed into the Yucatan Peninsula some 65.5 million years ago had people assuming that it all happened so fast that all the dinosaurs died instantly. The truth is that it took over a hundred thousand years for all of them to die.
17. Big Dinosaurs Were Slow
Many movies and TV shows have depicted dinosaurs as slow, lumbering beasts due to their immense size. Most dinosaurs were probably as mobile as large, modern mammals. A 2000 study of a well-preserved hadrosaur fossil suggested that dinosaurs had powerful hearts more like those of birds or mammals than modern reptiles, so they had higher metabolisms and were more active.
18. Humans And Dinosaurs Coexisted
It’s certainly an interesting theory when you do some digging. But unless a man named John Hammond creates a park full of dinosaurs, it never happened. Dinosaurs died out around 65 million years ago while remains of early humans were discovered to only be about 6 million years old. Then again we do have chickens…
19. Archaeopteryx Is The Link Between Dinosaurs And Birds
Dino fans were told that archaeopteryx was the first bird since it had feathers. Recent studies have shown that most of the dinosaurs, carnivores included, actually had feathers. Archaeopteryx isn’t so special after all.
20. Dinosaurs Had Boring Sex Lives
None of our childhood books on dinosaurs made mention of their reproductive habits. At most, we were told that they laid eggs. Turns out that these huge creatures did enjoy romance. They performed elaborate courtship rituals to impress potential partners.
21. Dinosaurs Had Mighty Roars
Julia Clarke, a paleonotologist from the University of Texas at Austin, studied dinosaurs to see if they could actually roar as seen in pop culture. In 2013, Clarke and her team discovered a nearly intact syrinx in a fossilized Late Cretaceous bird Vegavis iaai. No vocal box was discovered. A syrinx is more complex than a larynx. It’s something birds have. Dinosaurs could vocalize but not the way we think we know, thanks to Hollywood.
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