In the News
RHESSI Science Nugget (07/31/20): SOL2013-11-10 Eruptive Circular-ribbon Flare with Extended Remote Brightenings
RHESSI Science Nugget (10/24/16): Flare-induced Impulsive Sunspot Rotation caught in High Resolution
NJIT Press Release (10/11/16): The Sun's Coronal Tail Wags its Photospheric Dog
LinkHMI Science Nugget (10/27/14): Surface and Coronal Field Signatures of Implosions in Two Homologous Solar Flares
RHESSI Science Nugget (11/20/06): Ribbon-like hard X-ray source
(c) Chang Liu 2021 All Rights Reserved
Chang Liu conducted extensive solar physics research, focusing on flare-related changes in magnetic fields and sunspot structures, circular-ribbon flares, hard X-ray imaging and spectroscopy, and solar flare forecasting. His work also covered a range of other topics, including jets, D3 flares, sigmoids, Moreton waves, and microflares. As the principal investigator, he led six federal grants and, in mid-2021, transferred two new PI federal grants to colleagues as he pursued a new career path.
Full List of Chang Liu's Publications in Solar Physics at ADS Public Library
Circular-ribbon Flares:
Liu, C., Prasad, A., Lee, J., & Wang, H. 2020, An Eruptive Circular-ribbon Flare with Extended Remote Brightenings, ApJ, 899, 34
Liu, C., Lee, J., & Wang, H. 2019, The Eruption of Outer Spine-Like Loops Leading to A Double-Stage Circular-Ribbon Flare, ApJ, 883, 47
Liu, C., Deng, N., Liu, R., Lee, J., Pariat, E., Wiegelmann, T., Liu, Y., Kleint, L., & Wang, H. 2015, A Circular-ribbon Solar Flare Following an Asymmetric Filament Eruption, ApJ Letters, 812, L19
Flare-related Changes in Magnetic Field and Sunspot Structure:
Liu, C., Cao, W., Chae, J., Ahn, K., Choudhary, D. P., Lee, J., Liu, R., Deng, N., Wang, J., & Wang, H. 2018, Evolution of Photospheric Vector Magnetic Field Associated with Moving Flare Ribbons as Seen by GST, ApJ, 869, 21
Liu, C., Xu, Y., Cao, W., Deng, N., Lee, J., Hudson, H.S., Gary, D.E., Wang, J., Jing, J., & Wang, H. 2016, Flare differentially rotates sunspot on Sun's surface, Nature Communications, 7, 13104 [ADS]
Liu, C., Deng, N., Lee J., Wiegelmann, T., Jiang C., Dennis B. R., Su Y., Donea A. & Wang H. 2014, Three-dimensional Magnetic Restructuring in Two Homologous Solar Flares in the Seismically Active NOAA AR 11283, ApJ, 795, 128
Liu, C., Deng N., Lee, J., Wiegelmann T., Moore, R.L., & Wang, H. 2013, Evidence for Solar Tether-cutting Magnetic Reconnection from Coronal Field Extrapolations, ApJ Letters, 778, L36(7pp)
Liu, C., Deng, N., Liu, R., Lee, J., Wiegelmann, T., Jing, J., Xu, Y., Wang, S. & Wang, H. 2012, Rapid Changes of Photospheric Magnetic Field After Tether-cutting Reconnection and Magnetic Implosion, ApJ Letters, 745, L4
Liu, C., Deng, N., Liu, Y., Falconer, D., Goode, P. R., Denker, C. & Wang, H. 2005, Rapid Change of Delta Spot Structure Associated with Seven Major Flares, ApJ, 622, 722
Solar Flare Forecasting:
Liu, C., Deng, N., Wang, J. T.L., & Wang, H. 2017, Predicting Solar Flares Using SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Data Product and Random Forest Algorithm, ApJ, 843, 104
Hard X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy:
Liu, C., Lee, J., Jing, J., Liu, R., Deng, N. & Wang, H. 2010, Motions of Hard X-ray Sources During an Asymmetric Eruption, ApJ Letters, 721, L193
Liu, C. & Wang, H. 2009, Reconnection Electric Field and Hardness of X-ray Emission of Solar Flares, ApJ Letters, 696, L27
Liu, C., Lee, J., Jing, J., Gary, D. E. & Wang, H. 2008, The Spatial Distribution of Hard X-Ray Spectral Index and Local Magnetic Reconnection Rate, ApJ Letters, 672, L69
Liu, C., Lee, J., Gary, D. E. & Wang, H. 2007, The Ribbon-Like Hard X-Ray Emission in a Sigmoidal Solar Active Region, ApJ Letters, 658, L127 (Also see RHESSI Science Nuggets #40; RHESSI's Tenth Anniversary)
Liu, C., Xu, Y., Deng, N., Lee, J., Zhang, J., Choudhary, D. P. & Wang, H. 2013, He I D3 Observation of the 1984 May 22 M6.3 Solar Flare, ApJ, 774, 60(9pp)
Liu, C., Deng, N., Liu, R., Ugarte-Urra, I., Wang, S. & Wang, H. 2011, A Standard-to-Blowout Jet, ApJ Letters, 735, L18
Liu, C., Lee, J., Karlicky, M., Choudhary, D. P., Deng, N. & Wang, H. 2009, The Successive Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections on 2005 September 13, ApJ, 703, 757
Liu, C., Lee, J., Yurchyshyn, V., Deng, N., Cho, K., Karlicky, M. & Wang, H. 2007, The Eruption from a Sigmoidal Solar Active Region on 2005 May 13, ApJ, 669, 1372
Liu, C., Lee, J., Deng, N., Gary, D. E. & Wang, H. 2006, Large-Scale Activities Associated with the 2003 October 29 X10 Flare, ApJ, 642, 1205
Liu, C., Qiu, J., Gary, D. E., Krucker, S. & Wang, H. 2004, Studies of Microflares in RHESSI Hard X-ray, Big Bear Solar Observatory H-alpha and Michelson Doppler Imager Magnetograms, ApJ, 604, 442