Dominik Kempa

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Stony Brook University, New York

Email:  lastname (at)
(replace lastname -> kempa)

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I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. Prior to joining Stony Brook, I was a postdoc at Johns Hopkins University fortunate to be hosted by Ben Langmead, and before that at UC Berkeley (Theory group), lucky to be advised by Barna Saha. Even before that I was a postdoc at the University of Warwick, gratefully following the guidance of Artur Czumaj.

I did my PhD at the University of Helsinki, where I was extremely fortunate to be advised by Juha Kärkkäinen and Esko Ukkonen. Earlier, I was an intern in Google, Zürich. I am a recipient of the Junior Researcher Award and Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award.

I obtained a BSc in Mathematics and MSc in Computer Science from Jagiellonian University in Krakow. I am especially grateful to Maciej Ślusarek and Pawel Idziak for their support and guidance during my formative years.

Research Interests

Recent Publications

See the full list here (alternative: Google Scholar, DBLP).


Recent Talks