old house remodel

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Floor Plan Reveal for or 80 Year Old House Remodel
Working on the roof, finding more old stuff, is all in a day’s work at our 80 year old house remodel. And I finally reveal the floor plan for the renovation and thoughts behind the design process, here on the blog.
Crane Those Roof Trusses on our 80 Year Old House Remodel
This edition of our 80 year old house remodel is full of big machinery. The basement is back-filled and our trusses are raised. High. Check out the video on that!
Basement Roof for our 80 Year Old House Remodel
Join me as the addition for our old house remodel gets a "roof" for the basement, and we start to see walls go up!
Dig a Hole for our 80 Year Old House Remodel
In this edition of our Dear Old House Remodel, excavation begins and rain continues. I prepare a giant steel beam for the basement, and concrete work commences
80 Year Old House Remodel on our 80 Acre Homestead
Join us as we renovate and add on to our old house. While we absolutely love our property, the house needs help!
Before and After Renovation Photos | Amanda Siebert
These before and after renovation photos in the historic Union Hill neighborhood of Church Hill is shockingly one of the easiest renovations we have done. The house itself actually had really good bones!
11 Tips For Renovating An Abandoned 115 Year Old House On A Budget
11 Tips For Renovating An Abandoned 115 Year Old House On A Budget. Here is how to save money when renovating a fixer upper - an abandoned 115 year old house. Renovating on a budget, fixer upper homes, is possible! #renovation #fixerupper