Common Slang
While there are thousands of slang words, some are used far more often than others. Learning the most common slang words will help you interpret text messages, online chat conversations, and social media updates. Below is a list of popular acronyms, abbreviations, and other slang terms.
Slang Term | Meaning |
2 | To |
24/7 | Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week |
411 | Information |
admin | Administrator |
AFAIK | As far as I know |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
Afro | Natural bush-like hairstyle |
AI | Artificial intelligence |
AIDS | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
AIM | AOL Instant Messenger |
AKA | Also known as |
AM | Antemeridian |
Anti-vaxxer | A person who opposes vaccines |
AOL | America Online |
AP | Associated Press |
app | Application |
APR | Annual percentage rate |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
ASL | Age, sex, location |
ASL | American Sign Language |
ATM | At the moment |
b/w | Between |
b4 | Before |
Bada** | A cool rebel |
BAE | Before anyone else |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BBL | Be back later |
BBS | Be back soon |
BCC | Blind carbon copy |
bday | Birthday |
Beast mode | Dominating gameplay |
bf | Boyfriend |
BFF | Best friends forever |
Bling | Overly flashy jewelry |
Blockbuster | A commercially successful film |
blog | Web log |
BMW | Bayerische Motoren Werke |
Booze | Alcohol |
BRB | Be right back |
Bro | Brother |
BTS | Bangtan Sonyeondan |
BTW | By the way |
Buck | Dollar |
Buzzkill | Something that spoils a good mood |
Cab | Taxi |
Carpe diem | Seize the day |
CC | Carbon copy |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Chicken | Scared |
Comb-over | Hairstyle where hair is combed to one side of the head |
Cop | A police officer |
Cornrows | Hairstyle featuring braided rows |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
Creeper | Hostile mob |
Crew cut | Hairstyle with faded sides and a little longer top |
Crud | Junk |
Crush | A person who is the object of someone's affection |
CTN | Can't talk now |
cya | See ya |
Cyberbully | A person who bullies someone using technology |
CYE | Check your email |
Dafuq | What the f*** |
Ding | Small dent or scratch |
Dis | Disrespect |
Diva | A self-important, demanding person |
DIY | Do it yourself |
dl | Download |
DM | Direct message |
DNC | Democratic National Committee |
Don't @ me | Don't mention me in your tweets |
Dope | Illegal drugs |
Droid | Android |
ER | Emergency room |
ETA | Estimated time of arrival |
Evangelical | A Christian who identifies with the Evangelicalism movement |
f | Female |
Fail | Failure |
Fake news | Fake news source that pretends to be real |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FB | |
feat | Featuring |
FOMO | Fear of missing out |
ft | Featuring |
FTW | For the win |
FUBAR | Fouled up beyond all recognition |
fwd | Forward |
FWIW | For what it's worth |
FYI | For your information |
Gamer | A video game player |
Gaslighting | Manipulating information to create doubt |
gf | Girlfriend |
GG | Good game |
GJ | Good job |
GL | Good luck |
GLHF | Good luck have fun |
Gold digger | A person who uses another person for money |
gonna | Going to |
To search the Internet | |
Gotcha | I get you |
GPS | Global positioning system |
gr8 | Great |
GTG | Got to go |
haha | Laughing |
HBO | Home Box Office |
High maintenance | Requiring a lot of attention |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus |
HOAS | Hold on a second |
Homie | Friend |
Hook up | To be physically intimate with another person |
HTH | Hope this helps |
HTML | Hyper-Text Markup Language |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
hw | Homework |
IAC | In any case |
IC | I see |
Ick | Gross |
ICYMI | In case you missed it |
IDK | I don't know |
IIRC | If I remember correctly |
IKR | I know, right? |
IM | Instant message |
IMO | In my opinion |
info | Information |
IQ | Intelligence quotient |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service |
IRT | In regards to |
J/K | Just kidding |
Jacked | Incredibly muscular |
John Doe | Placeholder name for an unknown man |
Jumper | Jump shot |
K | OK |
KO | Knockout |
L8 | Late |
l8r | Later |
LAN | Local Area Network |
Leftist | A person with radical left-wing political views |
LGBTQ | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer |
LMAO | Laughing my a** off |
LMK | Let me know |
LMS | Like my status |
LOL | Laughing out loud |
m | Male |
March Madness | NCAA Basketball Tournament |
Mate | Friend |
meds | Medications |
Meme | A piece of media that spreads via the Internet |
MLB | Major League Baseball |
MMB | Message me back |
MMO | Massively multiplayer online |
MNF | Monday Night Football |
Mooch | To freeload |
Mr | Mister |
Mrs | Missus |
msg | Message |
Mullet | Hairstyle that is short in front and long in back |
MVP | Most valuable player |
MYOB | Mind your own business |
n | No |
N/A | Not Available |
NBA | National Basketball Association |
NC | No comment |
ne1 | Anyone |
NFL | National Football League |
NHL | National Hockey League |
NM | Not much |
Noob | Newbie |
NP | No problem |
NTN | No thanks needed |
od | Overdose |
OK | Oll korrect |
OMG | Oh my gosh |
OMW | On my way |
On fire | Performing very well |
On fleek | Perfect |
OT | Off topic |
PB&J | Peanut butter and jelly |
PC | Personal computer |
PDA | Public display of affection |
perv | Pervert |
PHAT | Pretty hot and tempting |
Photobomb | To pose in the background of a picture being taken |
pic | Picture |
PK | Player kill |
pls | Please |
PM | Postmeridian |
Pop | A carbonated soft drink |
POS | Parent over shoulder |
Pot | Marijuana |
POV | Point of view |
Ppl | People |
promo | Promotion |
pwn | To dominate |
qt | Cutie |
Que sera sera | Whatever will be will be |
RBI | Runs batted in |
re | Regarding |
Red flag | A warning sign |
Redneck | An uneducated Southerner |
Ripped | Muscular |
RNC | Republican National Committee |
ROFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
RPG | Role-playing game |
RSVP | Répondez s'il vous plaît |
RTFM | Read the flippin' manual |
Salty | Upset |
sec | Second |
Selfie | A picture a person takes of themself |
Shook | Completely surprised |
SMH | Shaking my head |
SMS | Short Message Service |
Snitch | To inform on others to an authority |
SNL | Saturday Night Live |
Soccer mom | A suburban mom whose world revolves around her kids |
Social distancing | Isolating from other people |
SOS | Save our souls |
SOS | Someone over shoulder |
Spam | Unhelpful and annoying content |
Spawn | Creation of a character or item |
Sry | Sorry |
stats | Statistics |
STD | Sexually transmitted disease |
sup | What's up |
sus | Suspicious |
Swag | Skills or style |
Talking trash | Disrespecting |
TBA | To be announced |
TBC | To be continued |
TBD | To be determined |
TC | Take care |
tech | Technology |
TFW | That feeling when |
Thread | A series of messages |
Throwing shade | Disrespecting |
thx | Thanks |
TIA | Thanks in advance |
TLC | Tender love and care |
TMI | Too much information |
Trash | Terrible |
Trashy | Poor quality |
Tree hugger | A person who cares about the environment |
Troll | A person who posts offensive comments |
TTFN | Ta-ta for now |
TTYL | Talk to you later |
Tweet | Twitter post |
Twitch | Video game streaming website |
txt | Text |
TY | Thank you |
u | You |
U2 | You too |
ugh | Disappointed |
UR | Your |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
VAR | Video assistant referee |
VIP | Very important person |
VM | Voicemail |
vs | Versus |
w/ | With |
w/e | Whatever |
w/o | Without |
W8 | Wait |
Walk-off | A score that instantly wins a game |
wanna | Want to |
WB | Write back |
Weed | Marijuana |
Whipped | Obedient |
Whoa | Expression of surprise |
Whoops | Exclamation of a mistake |
Woke | Aware of social issues |
Workaholic | A person who is constantly working |
WoW | World of Warcraft |
WTF | What the f*** |
XDD | Laughing especially hard |
xmas | Christmas |
XOXO | Hugs and kisses |
Y | Why |
y | Yes |
Yikes | Wow |
YOLO | You only live once |
yt | YouTube |
Yuge | Huge |
YW | You're welcome |
YWA | You're welcome anyway |
za | Pizza |
zzz | Sleeping |