The Parents' Checklist
If you're a parent, you may find it difficult to keep up with all the acronyms and abbreviations your kids use when communicating with their friends. While it might be a challenge to learn all the slang kids use, some terms are especially important for parents to know. Below is a list of the most important slang terms, acronyms, abbreviations, that parents should learn.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
DM | Direct message | 465 |
143 | I love you | 475 |
bf | Boyfriend | 487 |
gf | Girlfriend | 491 |
FML | F*** my life | 506 |
muah | Kiss | 515 |
sup | What's up | 536 |
XOXO | Hugs and kisses | 540 |
FB | 547 | |
perv | Pervert | 548 |
qt | Cutie | 550 |
ASL | Age, sex, location | 558 |
FU | F*** you | 559 |
LMIRL | Let's meet in real life | 559 |
FWB | Friends with benefits | 559 |
420 | Marijuana | 560 |
THOT | That hoe over there | 563 |
Code 9 | Parents are here | 563 |
Hook up | To be physically intimate with another person | 563 |
SOS | Someone over shoulder | 564 |
Booze | Alcohol | 565 |
addy | Address | 566 |
WAP | Wet A** P***y | 567 |
LYL | Love you lots | 569 |
d | Di** | 570 |
X | Kiss | 571 |
WRU | Where are you | 571 |
Netflix and chill | Hook up | 571 |
od | Overdose | 572 |
A/S/L | Age/sex/location | 573 |
FTF | Face to face | 576 |
3sum | Threesome | 577 |
pvt | Private | 577 |
Pot | Marijuana | 577 |
xan | Xanax | 578 |
DTF | Down to f*** | 579 |
Booty call | An intimate rendezvous | 579 |
A3 | Anytime, anywhere, anyone | 580 |
Catfish | To assume a false identity | 580 |
Tune up | Beat up | 580 |
AH | At home | 581 |
Dope | Illegal drugs | 581 |
DD | Designated driver | 581 |
Plastered | Drunk | 581 |
Mary Jane | Marijuana | 581 |
Rubber | A condom | 581 |
DM slide | Direct message to a crush | 581 |
STD | Sexually transmitted disease | 582 |
kms | Kill myself | 582 |
Dankrupt | Out of Marijuana | 582 |
Xanny | Xanax | 582 |
303 | Mom | 583 |
d8 | Date | 583 |
Digits | Phone number | 583 |
GP | Go private | 584 |
HU | Hook up | 584 |
121 | One-to-one | 584 |
prvt | Private | 584 |
Weed | Marijuana | 584 |
Pothead | Person who smokes a lot of pot | 584 |
Crossed | High and drunk | 584 |
xans | Xanax | 584 |
SA | Sexual assault | 584 |
Mic up | Voice chat with me | 584 |
Secks | Sex | 584 |
Jailbait | Attractive underage person | 585 |
addy | Adderall | 585 |
PnP | Party and Play | 585 |
ASLP | Age, sex, location, picture | 586 |
F2F | Face to face | 586 |
WTGP | Want to go private | 586 |
Mofo | Motherf***er | 586 |
Facestalking | Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook | 586 |
j | Joint | 586 |
Sexting | Sending sexually explicit messages | 586 |
Roofie | A date rape drug | 586 |
Leetspeak | Spelling variations that replace English letters with numbers and characters | 586 |
m | Male | 587 |
LTP | Let's talk privately | 587 |
20 | Location | 587 |
Yayo | Cocaine | 587 |
LSD | Lysergic Acid Diethylamide | 587 |
bstd | Busted | 588 |
p911 | Parent alert! | 588 |
LMO | Let's make out | 588 |
PAH | Parents at home | 588 |
MIRL | Meet in real life | 588 |
Joint | Marijuana cigarette | 588 |
COS | Child over shoulder | 589 |
9 | Parent in room | 589 |
GPOY | Gratuitous picture of yourself | 589 |
POS | Parent over shoulder | 590 |
HOS | Husband over shoulder | 590 |
OM | Old man | 590 |
CMB | Call me back | 590 |
CD99 | Parents are no longer watching | 590 |
Trippin | Hallucinating | 590 |
cid | Acid | 590 |
Devil's lettuce | Cannabis | 590 |
1F | One female | 590 |
f | Female | 591 |
TDTM | Talk dirty to me | 591 |
rents | Parents | 591 |
Faded | High | 591 |
Slide into your DMs | To send a direct message on Twitter | 591 |
MIL | Mother-in-law | 592 |
MMA | Meet me at | 592 |
qtpi | Cutie Pie | 592 |
DYLM | Do you like me | 592 |
PAW | Parents are watching | 592 |
HORU | How old are you | 592 |
KOS | Kid over shoulder | 592 |
M/F | Male or female | 592 |
IVL | In virtual life | 592 |
Roofied | Drugged by a person | 592 |
Momfluencer | A mom who influences other moms on social media | 592 |
Rager | An intense, large party | 592 |
Elsagate | Inappropriate content targeted at kids on YouTube | 592 |
WYGOWM | Will you go out with me | 593 |
MOS | Mom over shoulder | 593 |
KOTL | Kiss on the lips | 593 |
99 | Parent has left | 593 |
C2C | Camera to camera | 593 |
GNOC | Get naked on camera | 593 |
GPOYW | Gratuitous picture of yourself Wednesday | 593 |
CU46 | See you for sex | 593 |
Turf | Neighborhood | 593 |
Dank | High quality marijuana | 593 |
53x | Sex | 593 |
WTTP | Want to trade pictures | 593 |
AYPH | Are your parents home | 593 |
Roaching | Secretly dating many romantic partners at the same time | 593 |
Snapback culture | Pressure on new moms to snap back to their pre-pregnancy bodies | 593 |
LTR | Long-term relationship | 594 |
CM | Call me | 594 |
TOD | Truth or dare | 594 |
OL | Old lady | 594 |
SIA | Someone is around | 594 |
RUC | Are you coming? | 594 |
DULM | Do you love me | 594 |
4MTK | For me to know | 594 |
182 | I hate you | 594 |
GUFN | Grounded until further notice | 594 |
WITR | Who's in the room | 594 |
F/F | Face to face | 594 |
HPT | Home pregnancy test | 594 |
GN | Get naked | 594 |
AYPWOL | Are your parents watching or listening | 594 |
DTC | Down to cuddle | 594 |
Grass | Cannabis | 594 |
ED | Eating disorder | 594 |
func | Function | 594 |
CUS | See you soon | 595 |
kptondl | Keep it on the down low | 595 |
MMAMP | Meet me at my place | 595 |
DOS | Dad over shoulder | 595 |
DBS | Dad behind shoulder | 595 |
SPROS | Stop, parents reading over shoulder | 595 |
Llello | Cocaine | 595 |
Crunk | Crazy and drunk | 595 |
Sext | Sexually explicit message | 595 |
Sharpen a mustache | Smoke a joint | 595 |
TWD | Texting while driving | 595 |
kys | Kill yourself | 595 |
Perc30 | Oxycodone, commonly mixed with fentanyl | 595 |
S2R | Send to receive | 596 |
WOS | Wife over shoulder | 596 |
SOSG | Someone over shoulder gone | 596 |
BOS | Brat over shoulder | 596 |
GSW | Got some weed | 596 |
PIR | Parent in room | 596 |
MBS | Mom behind shoulder | 596 |
Tree | Marijuana | 596 |
KPC | Keeping parents clueless | 596 |
NIFOC | Naked in front of computer | 596 |
LH6 | Let's have sex | 596 |
Kill yourself | Go away | 596 |
1174 | Meet in person at | 596 |
Nekkid | Naked | 596 |
Incel | Involuntary celibate | 596 |
Corn | Porn | 596 |
Seggs | Sex | 596 |
Function | A party | 596 |
Sloshed | Intoxicated | 596 |
S3x | Sex | 596 |
Unalive | To kill | 596 |
Catch the bus | To commit suicide | 596 |
add | Address | 597 |
TBY | Teacher behind you | 597 |
H/U | Hook up | 597 |
Lit | Intoxicated | 597 |
Sugarpic | Erotic photo | 597 |
Crossfaded | Drunk and high | 597 |
PAP | Post a picture | 597 |
Jazz cabbage | Cannabis | 597 |
Trash streaming | Performing crude acts online in exchange for donations from viewers | 597 |
X | Ecstasy | 597 |
NASL | Name, age, sex, location | 597 |
Pro-ana | Pro anorexia | 597 |
mia | Bulimia | 597 |
natty | Natural Light | 597 |
Dub | $20 worth of marijuana | 597 |
PRL | Parents are listening | 598 |
PRW | Parents are watching | 598 |
ITR | In the room | 598 |
IPN | I'm posting naked | 598 |
BFN | Big fat negative | 598 |
P@H | Parents at home | 598 |
RUMOF | Are you male or female? | 598 |
BFP | Big fat positive | 598 |
DOC | Drug of choice | 598 |
stats | Personal profile information | 598 |
Cook | To make methamphetamine | 598 |
IWSN | I want sex now | 598 |
Broken | Hungover | 598 |
PAW | Parents at work | 598 |
Dayger | A daytime rager | 598 |
Sneaky link | Secret hook up | 598 |
ASLR | Age, sex, location, race | 598 |
ana | Anorexia | 598 |
Sewerslide | Suicide | 598 |
Marinated | Intoxicated | 598 |
g | Gram | 598 |
n8kd | Naked | 599 |
DM | Do me | 599 |
PA | Parent alert | 599 |
CICU | Can I see you? | 599 |
C9 | Parent in room | 599 |
KOL | Kiss on lips | 599 |
PLOS | Parents looking over shoulder | 599 |
GYPO | Get your pants off | 599 |
Slept | To get high | 599 |
Snapback | The quickness a woman's body snaps back after a pregnancy | 599 |
ASLNP | Age, sex, location, name, picture | 599 |
ASLRP | Age, sex, location, race, picture | 599 |
BORG | Black out rage gallon | 599 |
iso | Isotonitazine | 599 |
IFOCN | In front of computer naked | 600 |
POMS | Parents over my shoulder | 600 |
PPDA | Parents pacing de area | 601 |
CD9 | Parents are watching | 601 |
Chopped | Drunk and high | 601 |
Soft parenting | Friendly parenting | 602 |
LFK | Let's french kiss | 603 |