The Long Decline Unit 1 Sub Unit G Bell Work Guided Notes Documents / Fall of Empire Map How did military, political, social, and economic factors combine to cause the fall of the western Roman empire?
Objectives Explain how and why the Roman empire divided. Describe how waves of invaders contributed to the decline of the Roman empire. Identify the various types of problems that led to the fall of Rome. 2
The Roman Empire Divides After ruling the Mediterranean for hundreds of years, the Roman empire faced threats from inside and outside. Economic problems, foreign invasions, and a decline in traditional values undermined stability and security. 3
Political Violence Becomes Common Following the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180, the Pax Romana ended. Rome fell into a period of instability and violence. 4
Military Causes The Roman legions were no longer invincible. Less citizen-soldiers Most soldiers were mercenaries= foreigners who fought for pay. Were expensive & not reliable Armies were often used for civil wars rather than protecting the large empire. The Roman legions were no longer invincible. Lacked discipline and training. 5
Social Causes Decline in Values Patriotism and disciple lacking Devotion to duty is gone Rich no longer good leaders they are all about self interest and luxury.
Economic Problems Economic problems grew worse over time. High taxes to support the military and government = heavy burden on farmers and business owners. Farmland productivity fell. Small farmers abondoned farms moved to the cities Economic problems grew worse over time. No Economic Progress 7
Economic Causes Inflation Value of coins dropped as less gold was being brought into the empire No new gold from conquering lands forces prices up
Political Causes Ambitious generals and politicians successively seized power. One after another, each was overthrown or assassinated. In one 50-year period, 26 different emperors ruled.
In 284, Emperor Diocletian set out to restore order in the empire. Maximian ruled the western provinces Diocletian Ruled the wealthier eastern provinces. He appointed a co-emperor, Maximian, and divided the empire in half to ease administration
To curb inflation he fixed prices on many goods and services. Emperor Diocletian To curb inflation he fixed prices on many goods and services. Sons were required to follow their father’s occupation and farmers to remain on their land.
The reforms helped, but only for a time. Within 200 years, the western empire would fall. The eastern empire would last until the 1450s.
In 312 A.D. Emperor Constantine altered Europe’s future. He issued the Edict of Milan granting religious toleration to Christians. Christianity would later become the official religion of the empire. He made Byzantium his capital, renaming it Constantinople. This “New Rome” shifted the center of power to the eastern empire.
Increasingly, the western Roman empire came under attack from nomads. Germanic tribes pushed into Roman territory to escape the Huns. Britain, France, Spain, and eventually Rome itself were all overrun. Wars in central Asia sent the nomadic Huns into eastern Europe.
Waves of invaders overwhelmed the Roman legions. The Huns were the most feared of the invaders.
370 The Huns moved into Central Europe, pushing the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, and others before them. 378 The Visigoths defeated a Roman army at Adrianople. 410 Visigoth general Alaric overran Italy and sacked Rome itself. 434 Attila the Hun invaded Europe, savagely destroying anyone in his path. 476 Rome “falls.”
Long before the Roman emperor actually surrendered to Germanic invaders in 476, Rome had been in decline. The Goths, Huns, and Vandals had already over run much of the western empire.
An emperor ruled the eastern Roman empire for another thousand years. The empire’s influence didn’t completely disappear with the fall of Rome. An emperor ruled the eastern Roman empire for another thousand years. Newcomers borrowed much from Roman civilization. The Church preserved many elements of Roman civilization. Many citizens continued life as they had before, but under new rulers.
Military, economic, political, and social factors all contributed to Rome’s decline.