Sports A Field

Spring Bear Hunting

A big-game adventure that is available, affordable, and rewarding.

Bwabwata Buffalo

Hunting Africa's most dangerous game in the forests and floodplains of the Caprivi.

Hunting North of 60

Canada's northern territories are among the world's greatest big-game destinations.

Africa's Toughest Antelope

The "poor man's Cape buffalo" can be a tough customer.

Deer of the Desert Southwest

Hunting the Coues and Carmen Mountain whitetails.

More Stories

Room for Rhinos

A visit to Namibia’s Gamsberg Ranch, home of the Habitat for Rhino project.
This conservation effort benefits a wide variety of African species.

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The rise of cloned game animals presents troubling ethical questions for hunters.
The stakes are high.

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Selous Gets Lost

Before he became one of history’s most famous hunters, Selous had a formative survival experience.
His ordeal taught him some important lessons.

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Beyond Bucks and Bulls

Improve your hunting skills and do your part for wildlife management by filling a doe or cow elk tag.
It may even increase your chances for a buck or bull next year.

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A Big Win for Wildlife

Colorado voters recently rejected an attempt to ban mountain lion hunting.
Here’s what the hunting community can learn from this effort.

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Let Us Spray

Just like practicing with your firearm, practicing the use of bear spray is crucial.
It could save your life.

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Colorado’s Wild Cats: Facts vs. Fiction

Anti-hunting groups are out to ban hunting of lions and bobcats in Colorado.
Here’s a closer look at the claims made by supporters of the proposed ban.

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Meat, Mounts, and Management

We may hang a head on our wall, but that does not mean we left the meat behind.
Trophy hunting does not mean what many people think it means.

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Helping People, Helping Wildlife

The Rowland Ward Foundation conserves wildlife by helping people.
When communities that live with wildlife benefit from it, they help protect it.

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