7 Ways To Add Cat Decor To Your Home Without Looking Crazy
EtsyScout / Instagram
If you’re a cat lover, join the club because we’re out here, loud and proud. What you may be worried about, and understandably so, is how far you can go when incorporating your love for feline friends into your decor. Cat decor is achievable — just make it subtle.
Here are some low-key ways you can decorate your home with a cat-centric edge:
1. Vases And Flower Holders
This kitty flower holder fits in so nicely with the already-bright space and adds something a little different that no other flower holder really can provide. Buy it here.
2. Edgy Pillows
These pillows are the perfect combination of satirical and whimsical. We’re sort of in love with the scowling one. #Feels Buy it here.
3. Copper Kitchen Trivet
Considering it’s “vintage,” you absolutely can get away with displaying this in your kitchen. If anyone asks, tell them it’s a family heirloom. Buy it here.
4. Two-Tone Breakfast Bowls
It seems perfectly fitting to have your milk and cereal in this cozy little bowl. Buy it here.
5. Wine Glass Set
Meowy Wine-O-Clock! (We couldn’t help ourselves, don’t drag us.) This wine glass label is a very low-key way to let your guests know what your true muse is in life. Buy it here.
6. Throw Blanket
Maybe this is sort of obvious, but it’s so cute, right? It certainly gives a liveliness to an otherwise very neutral space, and no, it doesn’t make you look crazy. Buy it here.
7. Small Wall Art
So what if this looks like it came from one of those companies that takes photos of your real cat and turns them into paintings? This cat is demure, yet confident, yet pensive, yet — we’ll stop. Buy it here.
Basically what we’re saying is that yes, you can absolutely add cat decor to your place without looking crazy. But if you do think you look crazy, just forget about the weird looks you’re getting and take yourself back to a time when you were cozying up next to a cat. That will surely make you feel better.