this is genius. i think desserts in a jar would make a really wonderful wedding favor/dessert idea.
Red Velvet Cupcake in a Mason Jar via With This Ring & Pie in a Mason Jar via Elizabeth Anne Designs.
forever more
this is genius. i think desserts in a jar would make a really wonderful wedding favor/dessert idea.
Red Velvet Cupcake in a Mason Jar via With This Ring & Pie in a Mason Jar via Elizabeth Anne Designs.
Although I make jewelry myself, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with lusting over a gorgeous piece made by someone else.
Belle Epoche Diamond necklace by the Elle W. Collection.
Whipped up by the crafty ladies of Posh Paperie, this DIY cake topper is something I’d love to do for my wedding (are you bored of the word “wedding” already? Hehe) but can be easily modified for a different occasion or theme. Not only is there a handy tutorial for the cake topper but there’s a tutorial of how to make the ruffle cake thanks to Melody of My Sweet & Saucy (yay!).
Via Style Me Pretty.
I can’t get enough of paper flowers & these paper flower party decor is right up my alley & totally something I’m thinking of doing for my wedding (yes, the next couple of days is going to be ALL about my upcoming wedding!). You like?
Via Creature Comforts.
I just love this cake topper I spotted while blog shopping. The quote is French, by philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau which reads, “Aimer et être aimé sera la grande affaire de toute notre vie” & translates “To love and be loved will be the greatest event in our lives.” I’d love to have something similar at my wedding coming soon (so soon in fact, I’m on constant panic mode now). Here’s the tutorial & free download.
Via Evie S.
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