
Little Critter

Little Critter is an anthropomorphic animal character created by Mercer Mayer. According to the official website, his animal species is just a Little Critter even though he, some friends, family and others like him looked like hamster-guinea pig hybrids. Originally, his home area was going to be populated by others of his species but the author put other known species of animals like skunks, rabbits, raccoons, tigers, etc. Little Critter first appeared in the 1975 book Just for You. This book is sometimes mis-titled Just for Yu because of the childlike mistake on the front cover. Since Just For You Little Critter has been featured in over 200 books. Mercer Mayer is still releasing books, CD-Roms (including the Living Books series), toys, and more featuring Little Critter.

1 Comment 2000's  //  70's  //  80's  //  90's  //  Book  //  Books  //  Funny  //  Photo
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Memory Glands

Memory Glands is a humor and entertainment blog in the Three Ring Blogs Network. Memory Glands posts funny photos and funny videos daily that consist of television shows, foods, drinks, toys, games, movies and other cool stuff of the past. Other members of the Three Ring Blogs Network are People of Walmart, Girls In Yoga Pants, Forever Alone, Daily Viral Stuff, Wedding Unveils, Neighbor Shame, Full of Your Selfies, Damn That Looks Good, Jaw Drops, Freaks of Fast Food, the Proud Parents and more.

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