Dec 16, 2022

Twenty TwentyTwo.

2022; Started with diagnosis of Tuberculosis (Tb) and I take it as a sign that I needed a break. By March I really cant cope with everything. Too exhausted. Even though I only had to comply with my medications and treatments, go for regular check-ups, watch out for my food intake/diet and exercises, but to be living with the sickness (always coughing and consistent fatigue), and at the same time wearing other hats (mom, wife, employee, daughter, etc), it was extra challenging (and painful). I really cannot do it all 😭 

So I decided to eliminate (sacrifice) my work (career) for the time being. Berbekalkan konsep YOLO, satisfied that all my loans are cleared, dan restu suami, I submit my resignation letter. 

Last working day was in July and now it has been 6 months of this career break. Wah! I cannot believe it myself. I had the best boss and team (ni bukan bodek, tapi kalau nak senaraikan kebaikan dan kelebihan yang dapat masa bekerja, mungkin orang kata kita tak bersyukur sebab berhenti di saat ekonomi genting macam ni) but I have my limits too. Also this guilt in me that bila dah tak boleh perform, tak focus dengan kerja, asyik delay, asyik kena ambil cuti, emergency urus anak, stress, workload, fikiran jadi kacau. For me at that time, thats it. Its better for me to quit and focus on recovery, treatment (myself) and also family. 

Sekarang dah fleksibel sikit, dah takde stress kerja (tapi stress dengan keadaan semasa/ rutin harian tu tetap ada), boleh buat apa saja suka hati, boleh baking dan jual cookies. Tapi jauh di sudut hati, rindu juga kerja korporat. Bulan December ni patutnya genap 10 tahun menjadi wanita bekerjaya. 

Tahun ni juga dapat “healing” pergi bercuti ke Cameron Highlands, Kuala Terengganu & Kuantan, Kuala Selangor. Dapat juga jalan-jalan kat Melaka dan Genting Highlands. Dapat makan sedap dan rasanya dapat mengopi paling banyak tahun ni. First time juga dapat belanja family makan daging wagyu. 

In mid April we were down with Covid. Masa tu memang musim juga la ramai sangat pun dah terkena. Imagine the mental load sebab kena kuarantin, sambil kena work from home with the kids. I remember pagi tu ada meeting jam 9am and I tested positive around 8am (demam dan batuk) and I needed to present, kena gigihkan juga sebab dah prepare. 

Its the year that I actually get up and try again. Many things have changed, yang I pun tak sangka it leads to me having mental breakdown. Whether its Covid/ lockdown, or me becoming a mother of two, or the work stress, or the Tb, or maybe other factors but they came at the same time that really pulled my triggers. But I want to say thank you for the help and support especially from hubby and those around me, family and friends, I manage to take one step at a time. 

I look forward to 2023, I believe there will be lots of surprises await. Semoga dapat kerja yang lebih baik, semoga dapat teruskan jadi isteri dan mommy yang hebat, semoga dapat travel lebih banyak, semoga ramai orang beli cookies, semoga terus sihat kuat dan tak ada sakit lagi. Amiin ramai-ramai.

Oct 18, 2020

Pregnant, beranak and pantang 2.0

Assalamualaikum and hi, 

All praises to Allah I have safely delivered our second baby girl on Friday, 2 October 2020 at 5.34pm. As I am writing this down, baby girl is 16 days old which also means I am on day 16 of confinement. We named her Irsa Inara. :)

When the first MCO started in March, I was already pregnant; and I am really thankful with the work from home arrangement. It’s just that I had to juggle between family and work since I need to take care of my first born while working from home. The WFH arrangement continues until my very last day of work before I pop and my Gynae gave me MC for 2 weeks to ‘standby’. I only went to office once to fix my broken laptop. 

I had a smooth pregnancy journey this time compared to the first; less nausea, less work stress (thank you WFH!). I enjoyed doing house chores. Yes, doing house chores is tiring but I enjoy it. I guess that’s the nature of a woman/mother. I get to pray (solat) like normal throughout pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Aira, I already had to solat duduk from month-6 onwards. One thing that I didn’t do much with second pregnancy is exercise. Probably because the WFH thing and I don’t have a big space at home to walk as much as I do if I go to office. Inara really enjoyed staying inside mommy’s hotel uterus until week 39, I think because I ate sweet things a lot hehe. 

It took about 10 hours waiting in the labor room on that Friday and the final contraction game (read: pain) started around 4pm before I pushed for 15-20 minutes at around 5pm. I can say that it was a smoother experience than my first baby delivery but the labor pain still feels the same. I am thankful for my husband for all the support he gave. I know that he is also tired but he never complains. We got discharged from the hospital the next day. 

First 2 weeks of confinement was just okay. Currently I am staying at mom’s house to make things easier for me as I get the help not just from husband (and Aira!) but also from mother and little brother hehe. It’s just that the weather is so hot now that makes me feel like I need to go back to our house pronto. If you read about malay confinement tradition, this hot weather is actually good for the mother. But not for me cause its killing me emotionally. Haha. For now whatever pantang that I can do I will do; wearing socks and ‘bengkung’, not eating those ‘berangin, gatal’ food and drinking ice. But I miss my frappuccino already. :(

I booked the confinement lady for 14 days this time. I still have another 6 days to go with her. In the morning she will help to bath and massage Inara before mommy’s massage and ‘bertungku’ session. In the evening my husband will take over to bath Inara and I am super thankful that this time I get to have my rest and no need to bath my baby yet. I also ordered some confinement food to standby so that my mother doesn't have to cook or cook separately for me whenever she is tired. I also would like to thank my little brother for helping whenever I ask him to. 

I am still adjusting having two kids but Aira really shows her excitement and she loves her sister so much that she doesn’t get jealous whenever I need to attend or prioritise Inara before her. She’s being really helpful instead. It’s just that she might be a little bored because I don't bring much of her toys to my mom’s house and all she requested is watching youtube and I am fine with it cause we don’t have TV at our home so let her enjoy her screen time for this one month. 

Managing Inara is easier as she doesn’t cry much at this stage (yet) or maybe we are pro already since we experienced with Aira before hehe. The only thing is that she loves to be awake at night which makes mommy and ayah a zombie and that’s tiring. I successfully breastfeed Aira until she’s almost 3 years old so I hope and pray that I can do the same with Inara. It’s like back to square one parenting but upgraded myself and husband with experience. 

A long post this time because I just want to write this wonderful journey that is to be remembered. Thank you for your wishes, prayers and gifts. We are truly overwhelmed. Until then, stay at home and stay safe during this country’s tough period. Let’s hope we can kill the virus and be freely happy to go out and travel again. Xoxo. 

Updated 21 Oct 20 (day 19) - since there’s water disruption at mom’s house, me and Hafiz decided to go back to our home earlier and now I am already at our home sweet home. Got a lot of washing to be done, tons of laundry and finally it’s good to have the aircond back! I ordered the frozen confinement food for another 14 days so that Hafiz can focus on kids and other house chores while wfh and study for his exam. Such a superhusband and superdad :’) I have another 3 weeks to finish confinement. Let’s do this mommy!

Dec 28, 2019

Krabi 2019.

Assalamualaikum and hi,

This straight forward post is about our recent trip to Krabi, Thailand. Fun fact; we used our green project (rm5 notes collection) for this trip. Kan sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit. :')

Day 1 - 21 December 2019

Air Asia flight ticket KUL - KBV - RM 1,093.24 return for 2 adults and 1 child, inclusive 1 x 20kg luggage. Booked in October, bukan waktu promo. 

Pocket Wifi tempah siap-siap online from Visondata Samurai Wifi for RM100 for 4 days. Pick up and return at KLIA2. Last 3 years masa we went to Japan pun I used the same service. Their coverage (and price) is pretty much good and affordable.  

Nak dijadikan cerita, anakku sedikit cranky dan tak berapa behave pada hari tersebut. Maybe sebab flight petang and she did not get proper nap earlier. Dialah kanak-kanak yang menangis semasa take-off lalu tertidur sepanjang 1 jam penerbangan akibat kepenatan.

We arrived at Krabi International Airport around 6pm. Waktu di Krabi ialah lambat satu jam dari Malaysia. Immigration process was smooth. Lepas cop passport dan ambil luggage, kami disambut oleh driver yang telah ditempah dari Andaman Transfer. Harga RM138.82, dari airport ke hotel, termasuk service yang sama untuk hantar semula ke airport waktu balik nanti. Driver tu pegang besar-besar signage nama kita. Hahaha teruja!

Note: Currency exchange masa kami tukar duit; 100 baht bersamaan RM13.87. 

Hotel's Christmas tree deco!

Booked our accomodation via Agoda. Hotel's name is Sugar Marina Cliffhanger, located at Ao Nang. Booked for 3 nights for RM957.92 with breakfast. Room was spacious, with direct access to the pool. 2 queen beds, completed with amenities and mini bar refilled every day. Bukan setakat air mineral, uncang teh/kopi sahaja tau dia refill, tapi termasuk juga snacks, air jus kotak dan air tin Coca Cola/Sprite. They also provide slippers, umbrellas as well as beach mat, boleh dibawa pinjam untuk guna lepak pantai.

Kindly spot the little human who's excited for the swimming pool :D

After check-in and refreshing ourselves, we headed out to find dinner. Not to worry about finding halal foods in Krabi, especially in Ao Nang, because it's a Muslim area and got mosque nearby, so halal foods tu bersepah la area masjid tu ya.

Dinner pertama di Firdaus Seafood. Tom yam campur, telur dadar, kangkung goreng (tiada dalam gambar), 2 nasi putih, teh ais dan air kosong = 460 baht. Food review: tom yam tu sedap nak mampus!

Then we just jalan-jalan around Ao Nang. Stop depan setiap bar yang happening sebab si kecik tu sakan eh dia berjoget! Oh ya, kami juga singgah di Family Mart beli international adapter for 39 baht

Day 2 - 22 December 2019

Hotel's breakfast.

Budak ni kalau tak dapat roti canai, dia suka makan Koko Crunch.

Lepas tu layankan dia mandi swimming pool dulu sampai puas before we headed out sambung jalan-jalan.

Ao Nang beach

Ao Nang beach

Ao Nang beach

Lunch di Malaysia Krabi Restaurant. Tom yam campur, telur dadar, kailan ikan masin, 2 nasi putih, teh ais dan air kosong = 400 baht. Food review: ni macam makan dekat Malaysia je. Nama kedai pun Malaysia kan. Hahaha.

We went back to hotel after lunch and let Aira swim again and again. Lepas tu masing-masing nap about 1.5 hour hahaha kepenatan yang amat! Around 6pm, we went to Krabi Town Night Market pula.

To Krabi Town Night Market; naik van je, book dekat booth area depan hotel. 200 baht per person x 2 = 400 baht. Child fare masih free, dengan syarat kena pangku atas mommy/ayah. Perjalanan mengambil masa around 20-30 minutes. Tak beriya sangat ambil gambar kat night market tu, kerana ramai sangat orang. Aira pun masa tu tidur, jadi apaknya lah kena dukung most of the time dekat sana. Hahaha!

The famous Thai pancake; banana nutella 50 baht.

We bought the sotong bakar for 150 baht.

Lain-lain yang dibeli di night market ini; ice syrup (cincau) and ice chocolate for 50 baht. Souvenir for 200 baht. Then we went back to Ao Nang. Sambung jalan-jalan dan cari dinner.

Dinner di Bismillah Restaurant, sangat dekat dengan pantai. Nasi goreng ayam, telur dadar, nasi with daging spicy lemon dan french fries (tiada dalam gambar), teh ais, air kosong = 437 baht.  Food review: sedap la jugak.

Day 3 - 23 December 2019

We rent a bike dekat sana for 2 days. 1 day 200 baht x 2 days = 400 baht. Gas full tank 100 baht. Tapi masa return tu, minyak tak habis pun. Kemainlah laki kita bawa pusing-pusing tapi motornya tak makan minyak langsung. Maka beruntunglah sesiapa yang dapat motor tu selepas kitorang. 

Misi hari ketiga ialah menghitamkan kulit ya. Hahaha. So we went to Railay Beach. Nak pergi Railay ni kena naik boat. Harga ticket sama juga 200 baht return per person, so total for 2 person ialah 400 baht. You need to take care of your belongings and wear suitable clothes, lagi bagus pakai baju mandi terus, sebab confirm kena redah air untuk naik boat tersebut. 

 About 10-15 minutes journey to Railay Beach.


We brought the beach mat that our hotel provided. Rilex je chill chill, sambil tengok mat/minah salleh tanning. Ada yang beraktiviti main ping pong, main bola, berjoget dan sebagainya.

Keletihan mandi. 

Lalu mommy dan ayah pun syok tangkap gambar without anak. Hahahaha. Masa matahari dah start naik atas kepala, lalu kami pun beredar cari tempat redup. 

Dekat Railay tu ada juga kedai-kedai, beach bar dan sebagainya. We choose this Coffee Station to have our lunch. Kedai dia macam raggae-raggae sikit.  

Tengoklah kedainya. Cari tempat nak letak anak yang masih ketiduran. Hahaha. Lunch di sini we ordered tuna sandwich, ice coffee and ice cappuccino. Total 260 baht

 Sedikit pesanan ringkas dari tuan kedai. Wah, gitu! 

Aira tidur 2 jam ye. Kemain penat dia! Bila bangun terus cari ice cream rolls untuk dia. Harganya 80 baht

 Kemudian, nak ready pulang ke Ao Nang. Masa ni tengah tunggu boat. 

Lovee. <3

Kembali kat Ao Nang, kita jalan-jalan lagi cari souvenir pula. Area Ao Nang senang juga cari souvenir. Harga semua lebih kurang je la. Kalau pandai tawar boleh lah dapat murah tu. Kita cari souvenir maka habislah duit 600 baht. Lepas tu late lunch di La Casa restaurant. Makan bruchetta, nasi goreng, teh ais dan mango lassi. Total for 475 baht. Kat kedai makan ni tak ambil gambar langsung. Sebab? Dah penat sangat dan Aira pun dah cranky, sibuk tak sabar-sabar nak mandi beach lagi.  

Back to Ao Nang beach. Haaa mandi lah puas-puas anakku. 

Sunset di Ao Nang beach. 

Lepas sunset terus balik hotel, mandi dan bersihkan diri.

 Kalau pergi Siam tak berurut, tak sah la kan? Hafiz had his thai massage, kita ambil foot massage. Spa ni namanya Dee Dee Massage, located nearby our hotel. 250 baht per hour each. Jadinya total 500 baht. Massage review: Hafiz kata dia punya best, tapi kita punya foot massage tu, macam biasa sangat, macam relaxing punya massage je. Huhu. 

Sambung jalan sikit dan cari souvenir 300 baht

 Dinner at Bangboo Halal Seafood

 This siakap masak chilli lemon is to die forrrrr!

 We also ordered kailan ikan masin, telur dadar, sotong goreng tepung (tiada dalam gambar), teh o ais yang tersangat manis oiii dan air kosong. Total 785 baht. Food review: sedap semuanya, dan tersangat kenyang sampaikan sotong goreng tepung tak dapat dihabiskan. Rugi rugi! 

Day 4 - 24 December 2019

Last breakfast buffet at Sugar Marina.

True :') 

 Last day ni tak buat apa pun, nak balik dah. Our flight is at 2pm. So lepas breakfast, terus packing, return motor and pergi airport. 

Dekat airport kita spend 200 baht untuk wrap luggage, 248 baht for lunch at Subway, 330 baht for souvenirs and 300 baht for Aira's coloring book. 

Lain-lain spending di Krabi yang tak ada gambar; 13 baht for Milo Aira, 29 baht for 2 bottles of mineral water, 12 baht for susu kotak Aira yang semuanya dibeli di 7-eleven/ Family Mart. Not to forget, 5 baht for public toilet entrance fee. Hahahaha! 

That typical airplane shot -- Goodbye, Krabi!

Ok that's about it. My personal view is I like Phuket more, but Krabi is also great because we really DESERVE a relaxing holiday after all the hard work this year. Semoga berjumpa lagi di percutian akan datang. Semoga dapat pergi negara sejuk pulak hehehe. Happy new year 2020 everyone! 

May 23, 2017

Pregnancy Diary.

Assalamualaikum and hi,

I wanted to write about this journey since my early pregnancy days. Excited, of course. Too bad I always procrastinate and I did not have much me-time to blog about it.

Reaching my 38th week of pregnancy; it's been a roller coaster ride. Thankful that the morning sickness days had passed (experienced this only during first trimester and beginning of second trimester and it was really horrible and painful but I survived!). Secondly I am thankful for that I did not have much cravings for food. I will be okay and not be mad if my cravings is not fulfilled. *pats self*

I complaint and rant mostly about how much we lack in humanity; that is during my experience traveling to office everyday. Taking the train is my only option as driving and parking at my office area is costly. My tummy is as small as I am, that makes it unnoticeable. Up to my sixth month of pregnancy, my tummy is obvious already. I will always ask nicely for a seat and say thank you but some people just don't care and very ignorant. They peek and continue playing with phone and pretend to sleep. There's a case where this guy even show me to go to the red seating zone (priority seats) instead of offering his seat. That is when I decided to take the less-crowd train and willing to miss few trips so that I can have my seat.

During my third month, I 'black-out' and fainted in the train. Maybe I'm not lucky to get peoples empathy. Maybe people think that carrying a baby in your tummy is just like lifting a heavy box/ball or something. Some even compare that they were okay during their pregnancies. Every women experience pregnancies differently so why can't society understand?

One thing that worries me is my scoliosis but I hope to give birth normally. It annoys me that I can't really sleep at night and always wanted to pee; but it's really amazing when the baby kicks and moves inside you. I enjoy it so much and I will surely miss this moment when the baby is out.

Emotional support is surely important right now. I hope I will be doing fine during my confinement period because I don't know how it will be like; won't be able to do heavy chores and eat like I always do since it will be during the fasting and raya month so I wish myself all the best. Hah!

Preparing the baby registry is super fun. Hopefully we have shopped and covered most of the baby items already. I am not sure whether I am fully ready or not. But when the time comes, I will know and let's be prepared for whatever it takes.

Not sure of what else to write. I am currently waiting at the hospital for my weekly check up. So far everything is good. Baby is good (and kicking hard). Mommy and daddy are also good. We are excited for our first child and it's about time anytime now. We are ready whenever you are ready, ok baby? :)

Oct 25, 2016

NiksuHafiz Japan Adventure!


I am going to share my adventure (ehem, read: honeymoon :P) to Tokyo, Japan. :)

Before we begin, here are some items to prepare: 

1. Renew passport, cause mine already expired. 5 years for RM 200.

2. Pocket wifi; booked from Visondata Samurai Wifi for RM 120 for 8 days. Pick up and return at KLIA2.

3. Itinerary; plans of where to go and how to get there. We don't use any travel agent but we refer to Japan Guide. Hafiz already been to Tokyo last year, so basically I have my personal tour guide ;)

4. Accommodation; I'll list mine throughout this post, okay!

5. List of halal foods and how to get there; we did prepare for this one. But we did not put much effort to find the places. 

6. Waktu solat; boleh Google ye. Subuh at around 4am, Maghrib at 5pm. Boleh confuse masa dekat sana. 

7. Tukar duit; memandangkan currency kita tengah teruk. Jadi masa I tukar tu, 1,000 yen = RM 40.60. Sedih ok. 

Are you ready now? Set, go! 

Day 1 - 11 October 2016

Departure at 2.30pm 

Air Asia promo return ticket for two from Kuala Lumpur - Tokyo Haneda (all in inclusive of GST, airport and KLIA2 fees, checked baggage 20kg) = RM 1,656.16.

We arrived at Haneda International Airport around 10.30pm (Tokyo time). 
We waited and slept at the airport that night.

Day 2 - 12 October 2016

Nak beli tiket bas tapi tak reti guna mesin sebab semua bahasa Jepun

Haaa faham ke? Hahaha.

We took the bus from Haneda Airport to Kawaguchiko station: 2,470 yen x 2 = 4,940 yen.

After 3 hours of bus ride, dah sampai!

Walked for 2 minutes to the Guest House Orange Cabin. 
Guest house ni memang best! Nanti check-out I cerita. Letak bag, terus sambung jalan-jalan.

First nak pergi Mt Kachi Kachi Ropeway, then we found this halal restaurant (Alladin Indo Resturent) by accident sebab dah tersesat sebenarnya. #hikmahsesat. Perut pun sudah lapar, jadi apa kata isi perut dulu!

Dua keping roti naan dan kari ayam berserta side dish mini salad bowl berjumlah 1,350 yen. Gambar di atas hanya menunjukkan sekeping roti naan ye. Besar gedabak betul.

We headed to the Mt Kachi Kachi Ropeway. Entrance fee 800 yen x 2 = 1,600 yen.

View of Lake Kawaguchiko from the cable car.

Sebenarnya naik Mt Kachi Kachi Ropeway ni untuk tengok MT FUJI!!! 
Tapi masa ni view dilindungi awan. 

Hahaha menghadap cahaya, gambar gelap la jadi dia. Janji ada Fuji.

And lepas tu jalan-jalan je around Lake Kawaguchiko tu.

This is lunch/tea. Bought at Lawson (ala-ala 7-11) for 311 yen.

Dan ini dinner, bahahaha. Semestinya bekalan dari Malaysia!

Temperature that night. Fuh sejuk jangan tak tahu. And this is our favourite clock, located in front of Kawaguchiko station. Cause I am jakun like that asal lalu je asyik nak tengok suhu sahaja.

Sebab sejuk sangat, maka 100 yen diguna di sini untuk beli hot coffee. Hihu. 

Day 3 - 13 October 2016

Bus ride from Kawaguchiko Station to Mt Fuji Fifth Station. Yay!
Return ticket 2,100 yen x 2 = 4,200 yen.

Arrived at the 5th Station about one hour later. It was freezing cold and I was not prepared for that weather. Thus I decided to buy the hand gloves for 1,200 yen. Hahaha. It was 4 degree celcius kot, sejuk beku.

Lunch for that day; ni pun brought from Malaysia.

Tak tahan sejuk sangat ni, sekejap sekejap masuk lounge duduk dekat heater. Lol. 

Beli souvenir postcards 550 yen.

Spend almost the whole day at the Mt Fuji Fifth Station. Tak buat apa sangat, just enjoy the view yang nyaman dan mengasyikkan. We took the return bus at about 3pm, and groceries shopping sikit for dinner.

Hasil shopping at Takadaya Supermarket and Lawson = 1,280 yen.
Tapi to be honest, nasi jepun tu tak sedap. Huhuhu sedih.

Day 4 - 14 October 2016

Check-out dari Guest House Orange Cabin yang best tu. Mari review pasal guest house tersebut.

This is our room. Booked about one month ago from Harga untuk dua malam: RM 822.41. Yes it's pricey but it's worth it! Masa booking tu rate murah sikit tapi sebab masa bayar tu currency kita teruk, mahal la jadi dia. :(

We did not regret a thing about this place. It's perfect. This is the kitchen. Very nice and clean. Gambar toilet and shower room lupa nak snap, but very clean. Rasanya semua provided, towels, hair dryer, washing machine and dryer. Cumanya diorang tak provide iron. Sedih hakak, pakai tudung tak bergosok. Hahaha. Very near to Kawaguchiko station. Boleh nampak Fuji view juga kalau duduk bilik atas. Other stuffs can check out their website ok!

Dengan owner guest house and her cute daughter. Every morning mesti wish 'ohaiyo gozaimas' bererti good morning. :)

Sempat hantar postcards ke Malaysia. Beli setem 70 yen x 8 = 560 yen. 

Sayonara Fuji-san. Best nya duduk sini. Taknak balik :( 

Masa datang Kawaguchiko dah naik bas, now return back to Tokyo naik train pula. 

Train fare from Kawaguchiko Station to Sasazuka station = 2,080 yen x 2 = 4,160 yen. Kena transfer train a few times; Kawaguchiko - Otsuki - Takao - Sasazuka. The struggle is real kat sini. Susah nak faham Tokyo punya train journey and subways. Yela, first time kan. Pening. 

Dah sampai Sasazuka station, walked about 15-20 minutes to reach to our next place to stay at Suginami-ku. Booked via Airbnb. Total for 2 nights RM 427. I strictly did not recommend this place at all. Very sempit, crowded and messy. Dirty and busuk jugak. Sebab tu I tak snap gambar bilik/rumah langsung. Lepas letak bag, kami terus keluar sambung jalan-jalan. 

Train fare from Sasazuka - Harajuku: 280 yen x 2 = 560 yen (need to transfer at Shinjuku)

Singgah terus at Meiji Jingu Shrine sebab dah almost 5pm and dah nak tutup. 
Free admission. 

 Meiji Jingu

Ini Takeshita Street @ Harajuku. Shopping heaven lah kot. 

View of Omotesando from the jejantas...

Teruskan perjalanan untuk cari kedai halal famous yang disaran ramai, Gyumon yang terletak lebih kurang 10-15 minit perjalanan dari Shibuya station.

Sebab haritu Hafiz kita punya birthday, jadi nak bawa birthday boy ni makan japanese bbq. Hehehe. 

This is their menu. Total spend for two di sini 3,350 yen


And yup, the famous Shibuya scramble cross. Time ni emo dah sebab camera iPhone 5 ni tak membantu dah di waktu malam. Heh. 

Mungkin tibanya masa untuk tukar ke iPhone 7. Eh? 

Okay lepas penat jalan, masa untuk pulang ke rumah. 
Train fare Shibuya - Sasazuka: 290 yen x 2 = 580 yen dan kena transfer di Shinjuku. 
Tershopping pula barang make up di area Sasazuka sebanyak 2,365 yen. Huuhu.

Day 5 - 15 October 2016

First stop nak ke Tsukiji Fish Market. 
Ambil train dari Sasazuka ke Shinjuku 130 yen x 2 = 260 yen
At Shinjuku, we bought the 24-hour metro pass 1,000 yen x 2 = 2,000 yen
Dan berhenti di Tsukiji-shijo station. The fish market memang betul-betul behind this station.

Berhajat nak makan sushi dekat sini, tapi ramai sangat orang siap beratur panjang luar kedai-kedai, jadi lupakan saja niat tersebut. Haha. 

The adventure continues dan kami naik train ke Akihabara pula. 

Jumpa indian shop with halal nasi briyani, apa lagi, beli la. 600 yen
*insert emoji gelak nangis*

Area Akihabara... yang famous dengan barang elektronik dan sesuai untuk kaki game, kaki komik, kaki anime dan kaki-kaki lain yang seangkatan dengannya. 

Tak banyak sangat ambil gambar di area ni. 
Tapi we bought some souvenirs 6,530 yen + 1,512 yen = 8,042 yen.

Kemudian ambil train ke area Asakusa...

... for this Senso-ji Temple! 

Then we took another train to Oshiage for the Tokyo Skytree! 

Cita-cita nak tengok sunset from the Skytree, tapi malangnya beratur panjang sungguh masa nak beli tiket jadi terlepas sunset from above. :( 

Tokyo Skytree admission fee: 2,060 yen x 2 = 4,120 yen

Cuba cari Fuji. :) 

Cantik gila tak tipu! 

Celebrate birthday boy lagi. Hehee. 

Perjalanan diteruskan ke Roppongi pula.

Jumpa halal kebab ni 500 yen x 2 = 1,000 yen. Dan air Calpis dari vending machine 160 yen

There's Hard Rock in Roppongi! 
Macam biasa, barang wajib beli di Hard Rock; t-shirt for 3,240 yen

Kaki, badan, belakang semua dah sakit. 
Return back to Shinjuku for Sasazuka = 130 yen x 2 = 260 yen

Day 6 - 16 October 2016

Kemas-kemas and straight to our next place pula. 
From Sasazuka - Shinjuku: 130 yen x 2 = 260 yen
From Shinjuku - Shibuya: 160 yen x 2 = 320 yen
Bus from Shibuya - Setagaya (Shouinjinjamae): 220 yen x 2 = 440 yen.

Nasib baik the next place ni best sikit, sedap and selesa. Booked through Airbnb also.

(Picture source from Airbnb)
Total stay for 2 nights = RM 417. The host even provides us with step-by-step guide untuk ke rumah dia. Bagus betul. Toilet pun ok, ada washing machine and dryer. Jadi kami pun mengambil kesempatan untuk basuh baju and guess what, masa balik malam hari tu, we found baju semua dia dah lipatkan. Bagus betul! 

We continue jalan-jalan lepas letak bag and basuh baju. Again, ambil bas from the place back to Shibuya: 220 yen x 2 = 440 yen. Then train from Shibuya - Shimbashi: 170 yen x 2 = 340 yen. At Shimbashi, kita beli one day Odaiba pass: 820 yen x 2 = 1,640 yen

Odaiba ni another place to explore on its own. That's why ada its own train untuk explore dalam Odaiba sahaja. Boleh juga sampai kalau naik cruise from Tokyo. Tapi fare dah lain la, of course.

With the famous Gundam 

Masa ni perut dah lapar gila weh tak tipu. Nasib baik jumpa restoren indon ni. 

Kalau dah jawa tu, kena cari tempe jugak. Hahaha
Dinner di sini; dua nasi goreng, sepinggan tempe, dua air minuman berharga 3,230 yen.

Ada Coca-Cola store. Beli souvenir 130 yen

Main simulator at Toyota Mega Web for free!!

Sepanjang malam lepak di Odaiba. Dan lepas penat kami pun pulang...
Train fare Shimbashi - Shibuya: 170 yen x 2 = 340 yen
Shopping sikit di Shibuya: 1,944 yen
And bus fare back to Setagaya: 220 yen x 2 = 440 yen

Day 7 - 17 October 2016

Morning rain in Tokyo! Tapi kena juga teruskan perjalanan. 
Bus to Shibuya: 220 yen x 2 = 440 yen
Beli Metro subway 24-hour pass: 600 x 2 = 1,200 yen
Return train fare to Maihama: 320 x 2 = 640 yen

Di Maihama ni la hajat di hati nak masuk Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea tapi tidak kesampaian kerana hari hujan. Rasa rugi la kalau masuk tapi tak boleh main ride and enjoy the place.

Jadi kita posing depan entrance acah acah jer la ye.. Hahaha

Alas perut with chocolate walnut crepe di Ikspiari, 380 yen

Dan sambung perjalanan ke Tokyo Metro station!! 

Lepas tu emo perut lapar gila dah. Tak jumpa halal food. Ugh stress. 
Hafiz beli chestnut for 500 yen and I beli waffle from vending maching 130 yen

This is Ikebukuro...

... and tadaa, ada Manhattan Fish Market! 
Melantak for 2,959 yen

Then sambung jalan ke Sunshine aquarium building...

... dan jumpa kawan lama, Doraemon. Hehe. 

Dan ada juga Pokemon Mega Centre di sini
Shopping souvenir for 410 yen.

Returned back to Shibuya and shopping lagi for another 1,728 yen
And finally took the bus back to Setagaya: 220 yen x 2 = 440 yen

Day 8 - 18 October 2016

Last day in Tokyo :(

Kemas-kemas and check-out. Bus to Shibuya 440 yen. Beli coke di vending machine 150 yen

Walked about 20 minutes from Shibuya to Harajuku. Gigih kan dengan backpack semua. Tapi sebab serious malas naik train masa tu. 

Last minute shopping at Harajuku 972 yen

Lapar.. huhu. Ice cream at Calbee+ 280 yen x 2 = 560 yen

Hmm kebab lagi. Sampaikan sushi kebab tu tak habis dimakan. Hehu
Lunch ini berharga 1,050 yen

Spent the whole evening and return back to Meiji Jingu Park...

... sebab teman abang tu rilek rilek baca buku sambil hirup udara bersih nyaman Tokyo untuk kali-kali terakhir sebelum berangkat ke airport

Stopped by at Crepe Cafe and Starbucks for another light meal
Crepe Cafe: 880 yen and Starbucks: 820 yen

Took train from Harajuku - Haneda Airport: 580 yen x 2 = 1,160 yen (transfer at Shinagawa)

Nak balik dah.. 
Duit terakhir yen digunakan untuk wrap bag-bag di atas sebanyak 2,000 yen

Flight Tokyo Haneda - Kuala Lumpur malam tu delayed for one hour. So boarding about 1am dan tiba di Malaysia 7.30am. 

Things to take note about Tokyo, Japan:

1. The auto toilet seat. Mula-mula macam tak reti guna juga the toilet, tulisan pun semua jepun. Tapi agak-agak je la, main tekan-tekan sampai keluar air. At the airport, ada label in English so ok sikit la.

2. Onsen; the place yang orang cakap mandi air panas bogel-bogel. Tapi kitorang tak masuk pun, nak masuk pun berbayar, jadi malas la. Cukup la dengar cerita ngeri dari pengalaman kawan-kawan yang pernah masuk. Hahaha.

3. Tokyo subway lines. Okay yang ni memang pening sangat especially first timer. They have so many subway lines, and some passes tak boleh guna untuk semua lines. Thats why kitorang tak beli the Jr Pass whatever yang people suggest. Tengok railway map Tokyo pun boleh pening. They do provide card macam Touch n Go to be used, called Suica and also Passmo. Tapi kitorang pun tak guna yang itu. Tapi timing train memang punctual! 

4. Japanese language. It's good if you learn a bit. But for me, I only know the basic arigato gozaimas, konichiwa, sumi-masen, gomen-nasai, etc. Even if you ask the people for direction, they will help, no worries. Cuma they will not put in proper English sentence la. Hehe. 

Haa that is all kot about this time's honeymoon. Total money spent around RM6k+ for two. :) 
If anyone requires our itinerary, do let me know ok. I don't mind sharing the whole excel file list. Lol. 

Lastly, enjoy the video!

Till then,

11 - 18 October 2016
Tokyo, Japan
Niksu & Hafiz
#nhadventure #honeymoon